Chapter 15 - Tai's perspective - Promise me?

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We had finally arrived at home, thank god. Now how do I break the news to joe? I have a bad feeling about this. We opened the door and our friends were already there waiting for us.
"You guys are back!" Sora said
"Kari!" Yolei shouted running over to her
"Hey guys" she said as Tk put her down
"You look awful hun" Mimi said pulling Kari into a hug
"Thanks a lot Mimi" She said
"Prodigious, you found her" Izzy said
"Yeah well it was mostly Tai" Tk said
"Looks like you got scratched up pretty badly," Joe said "Want me to take a look?"
"That would be great actually" Kari said wrapping one arm around Joe and the other around Sora as they helped her into the next room
"What exactly happened to her?" Davis asked
"Not sure, she didn't seem to wanna talk about it," I said "But we have bigger problems"
"Like what?" Ken asked
"We should wait for Joe to return," I said "Tk can I talk to you for a moment?
"Of course Tai" Tk said with a nervous grin on his face
We stepped into a different room and I shut the door.
"Is this about Kari?" Tk asked
"How did you know?" I snickered
"That's like the only thing we have in common"
"Why? because you're banging my sister?"
"N-NO! That's not what I meant!"
"Chill out I'm messing with you"
"Oh okay. I knew that"
"She loves you. Like a lot. You've kinda replaced me as her number one man"
"You really think so?"
"I know so. I feel like something ugly is about to go down. The crystals are more powerful than anything you could ever imagine. I need you to protect Kari at all costs. She the last family I've got"
"Of course! I care about her very deeply. If you don't mind me asking what happened to your mother?"
"A while ago she left a note saying she left back to Odaiba to finish up the move. Don't tell Kari this yet but I don't think she's coming back. She never wanted kids anyway. It was always our father who was the family guy. It's just me, Kari, and this big as house now"
"That's sad, I'm sorry"
"Tai, Joe's back!" Matt shouted
"I should go. Stay with Kari well I talk to the others"
Tk and I made our way back into the main room.
"Good my brother is still alive" Matt joked
"What did you think I was going to do to him?" I said
"After he kissed Kari in the warehouse I wasn't sure" Matt said
"KARI AND TK KISSED? Why did no one tell me?" Mimi yelled "Was it short and sweet or long and passionate? Did they kiss right in front of you Tai? Wow, that's brave. Do they need a wedding planner because I can definitely do that!"
"Mimi calm down!" Izzy said "Tai you wanted to tell us something important?
Tk nodded and took Kari into the next room.
"Now where is he going? Tai, are you going to let Tj get away with this! It's bad enough they already kissed!" Davis said
"That's enough Davis. She likes Tk more than you. Get over it" I said
"Not feeling so cocky now are we?" Cody said
"Shut it pipsqueak" Davis grumbled
I then had the job of explaining to the group about the crystals and what happened with them all those years ago.
"It's in your head?" Sora said dragging her hand across my forehead "Isn't that painful?
"I can't feel it at all but it's really affected Kari" I said
"Poor thing" Mimi said
"Well, we need to get the crystals out then. There putting you guys in danger" Matt said
It's at that moment that everyone turned around to stare at Joe.
"Why is everyone looking at me?" Joe asked
"Are you being serious right now?" Yolei said
"You are a doctor Joe" I said
Just then it hit him.
"Absolutely not. How in God's name did you ever think I could do that. I'm not even out of school yet. I'm not technically even a real doctor yet!" Joe rambled
"We don't have any other choice!" I said
"Are you positive you trust me? It's risky" Joe said
"Positive" Kari said appearing in the doorway
"You two are crazy. Let me make a call" Joe said
"Has anyone talked to Mr. Nishijima?" Sora asked
Everyone shook their heads
"He seemed very concerned you'd think he would call or something" Izzy said
"Someone should call him" Kari said
"Tai you do it" Davis said
"What why me?" I said
"Because you're his favorite, duh" Davis said
"Fine fine" I said
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed his number.
"Did he answer?" Davis asked
"It's still ringing dude" I said annoyed
"Hello?" Nishijima said
"Hey Mr. Nishijima it's Tai" I said
"It's really not a good time"
"Well we really need to talk"
"Another time kid"
"But Mr. Nishijima!"
I lowered the phone from my ear
"What did he say?" Sora asked
"He can't talk because it's not a good time" I said
"Not a good time? Are you serious? He's one of the people that started this mess!" Matt raged
"Try Himekawa" Tk suggested
"Why me? After last time I'm definitely not her favorite" I said
"Kari, why don't you try?" Mimi said
"Sure I'll try" Kari said taking the phone from my hand
She put it on speaker for all of us to hear
"Hello?" Himekawa said
"Hey Himekawa it's Kari" she said
"Kari? How did you-"
"How did I what?"
"How did you get your brother's phone"
"Oh I just asked to borrow it"
"Great. What did you need?"
"We actually need your help. We found almost all the crystals but were not sure what to do with them or how to keep them safe"
"Yes, I can help you with that. Tell the group to meet me back at the school with the crystals"
"Of course thank you so much"
"That went well" Izzy said
"Unlike Tai's attempt" Matt said
"Shut up Matt!" I said
"Okay Tai and Kari come with me. The rest of you should go meet Himekawa"
"It's now or never" Matt said
Just then Tk pushed forward and pulled Kari into a hug from behind, holding her tight. Even Davis felt bad.
"Promise me I'll see you again" He said
"But what if something goes wrong" she said
"Don't say stuff like that! Just promise"
"Okay I promise"
At this point, everyone in the room was sniffling at the thought of what might happen if something goes wrong, even Matt.
"Okay, we should go" I said breaking the sad silence
Joe and Kari got up first heading for Joe's truck. Then Izzy, Mimi, Matt, Tk, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Ken all got in the back of Matt's van. It was able to fit everyone as it was made for Matt and his band. Matt was driving with Tk in the passenger seat. Izzy and Mimi were in the middle row and Yolei, Cody, Davis, and Ken were in the back row. Now the only ones in the house were me and Sora.
"I should go, Joe is waiting," I said
"Tai wait" she said
"What Sora?"
"I'm sorry"
"What? What could you possibly be sorry for"
"I just wanted to help but you seem to think I'm annoying"
"You were never annoying. I just tend to push people away when I'm stressed. I'm the one you should say sorry"
"Be careful. Please"
"Tell that to Joe"
Just then she reached up to cup my face and pulled me into a kiss. I was shocked but definitely not mad about it. I pulled her close as our kiss continued.
"Hellooooooo, kiss after we save the town" Matt shouted with a sly little grin on his face
Sora sighed and started to walk over to Matt's van
"Will do this again" she said
I felt my face heat up as I walked up to Joe's truck and got into the back seat. Both Kari and Joe were staring at me.
"Don't think I didn't see that" Kari smirked
"Oh shut up crystal head" I said
"Oh please, you know you have a crystal inside your head too right? You know you just insulted yourself right"
"Kari you know what-"
"Children, children" Joe said "The crystals will come out soon enough now please shut up. Both of you"
"Can you at least play something by Queen before I die?" Kari said
"No, trust me Joe, play Def Leppard. It's much better" I said
"How dare you disrespect Freddie Mercury like that!"
"Isn't he like the one with the stupid buck teeth-"
"OH MY GOD. You two are insufferable!" Joe said
"I don't know what that means" I said
"You don't need to know it to be it" Kari laughed
Joe sighed. This was going to be a long day. Or maybe not long enough.

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