march 24

421 4 0

3/24/2021 🌸🥢
- did i shift? uh i don't think so no
- method? raven
- notes? felt some form of twitching and feeling lighter, when i closed my eyes i saw patterns, did some guided meditation but it didn't work. had some dream right before i woke up about my childhood friend again where i spent the night at his house and for some reason he had another brother who loves to do makeup but whatever. the next day we were going to this project thingy and for some reason his "brother" drove and was so bad at it and wasn't supposed to drive anyway but he didn't get penalized for it. we get to this high school project where there are many popular cities we go to a high school in and i was hoping to get selected for New York City. The first exercise we had to do was hype each other up (compliment each other) and I was trying to compliment a group of girls but I think they ignored me and I was waiting for mine but obviously if they ignored me then i knew i wasn't gonna get complimented. i go to this other girl i knew from middle/high school and complimented her but she ignored me too. Then I see my "diet ex-boyfriend" (if you know what I mean) and literally the group of girls that ignored me looked at him crazy and said "ew you" and they made fun of his sweatpants skdjskdnsnzb.
- pt. 2? i know my dream wasn't about the mcu but i feel like it was kinda close as i dreamt about hoping to go to NYC.
- pt. 3? took a nap and had a dream that these college people were hollering at me and i was like uh ok. then my brother does something i forget so i jump in a hole and im in a bell tower watching him be dumb. fast forward im scared bc im on the freeway driving a scooter (electric wheelchair) and yeah.
- pt. 4? then before i wake up from my nap i hear barking thinking i left titan in his sleepytime crate when i woke up INSTANTLY and remembered he's at school. it didn't sound real so I didnt shift.

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