10 | Adora's Fight

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In the middle of the night, you and Light Spinner are suddenly awakened by a loud crashing sound and subsequent screams and cries for help.

"Come to the luminarium. Quickly. Bring the baby with you," Norwyn commanded as he opened the door.

You scooped up the baby and bolted with Light Spinner. You open the door to the luminarium, and the rest of the sorcerers are crowded around the center of the room.

"Alright, everyone. We are under attack. The Horde is about to capture Mystacor. We will be under complete control of the Horde," Norwyn explained.

"Why are you going to let the Horde do this? WHY DON'T YOU WANT TO FIGHT BACK NORWYN? YOU SHOULD WANT TO PROTECT MYSTACOR!" Light Spinner yelled.

"They have such powerful weapons that we cannot penetrate with the most lethal of spells," a sorcerer responded fearfully.

"You must try. We must try to take Mystacor back for ourselves. Wait. I KNOW WHY THEY ARE HERE! THEY'RE HERE FOR THE BABY. THEY DON'T WANT MYSTACOR; THEY WANT ADORA!" Light Spinner argued.

You look down at Adora. She whimpered. Adora was afraid of her mother yelling at the other sorcerers. Her terrified eyes echoed through your soul.

"We must protect Adora at all costs and make sure Mystacor doesn't fall into the Horde's control," Norwyn agreed.

Light Spinner's eyes had a fire behind them that only you could see. She was livid with Norwyn for not wanting to protect Mystacor at first. The sorcerers guild leaves the luminarium and go out onto the courtyard.

The Horde's gallery of weapons is on display and rapidly firing at the scarce amount of sorcerers.

"Take Adora and hide," Light Spinner ordered one of the sorcerers. The sorcerer obeyed and ran off.

You and Light Spinner charge forward into the Horde army. You cast a spell that destroys one of the transports, but Light Spinner casts a spell that instantly kills several of the Horde soldiers.

You notice that when you and Light Spinner work together you make a great team. You continue to take out the transports and weapons while Light Spinner takes out the soldiers and any equipment in her way.

Why was Norwyn so afraid of the Horde? Yes they're powerful, but the sorcerers could handle them. What is he hiding?

Suddenly, Hordak approaches you and punches you across the face leaving a purple bruise on your cheek. Light Spinner notices Hordak and runs over. You and Light Spinner cast spells for a while back and forth. Hordak falls, but his weapons shoot Light Spinner back farther hurting her in return.

It's just you and Hordak. You flash back to ten years ago when you faced Hordak for the first time. You were only twenty and inexperienced with magic. You remember what Light Spinner taught you about fighting Hordak; he has a weakness - his heart. His armor can be taken off with the right blow to the chest.

You create a spell with a direct hit. His armor is deactivated. You strike him down and punch him across the face. The red velvet blood makes rivers across his face running from his forehead to his square chin. He backs away from you. He runs away in fear of you, but it isn't you that he should be afraid of.

A teal light shines at the side of your eye. It's coming from inside of the castle. Light Spinner sprints towards you with a confused look in her eyes. What is that?

Suddenly, a large burst of energy wipes out the Horde army. When you walk away from the wreckage, you and Light Spinner noticed that the glow was Adora. She made the Horde crumble on the battlefield.

Light Spinner's eyes morphed from confusion to horror.

"How are we supposed to keep Adora safe? She's so powerful that eventually, she will be targeted and killed. I wish there were something we could do," Light Spinner cried.

Adora's small hand reached up to Light Spinner's cloth as her skin was hidden when she was around the sorcerers guild.

"Well. I have an idea. However, you would have to leave Mystacor with Adora. It would help if you took her to somewhere protected where the Horde can't discover her," Norwyn responded with deep concern.

"Leave Mystacor? I thought this place was protected," you added.

"Mystacor isn't protected anymore. Hordak knows precisely how to get here. He will attack again, and we don't know what will happen if his forces were any stronger," another sorcerer argued.

"It's best that you go into hiding to protect Adora. She will be vital in our fight against the Horde, but she must learn how to control her power first. Plus, I think that the two of you could use a break to start your lives together as a family," Norwyn concluded.

You look up at Light Spinner. Tears are falling like the blood on Hordak's face. She doesn't want to leave her only home, but she knows it's the only way to keep Adora safe.


A few days later. . .

You and Light Spinner have all of your lives packed into small boxes to be transported to the spot in the whispering woods, the hiding place for Adora.

You meet the rest of the sorcerers guild in the courtyard. They all look upset about their departure, but they all know it is for the best.

"You leaving is the best you can do. This is a part of Adora's fight for freedom and happiness," Norwyn said before he left the sorcerers alone.

You and Light Spinner are alone and cast a transportation spell. You, Light Spinner, and Adora leave Mystacor to the whispering woods.

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