The Four Marauders- Loneliness Mudbloods and Forgiveness

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Sirius' POV:

I walked along the long arched bridge alone, I stopped in the middle of the bridge as I had no where else I needed to go and peered out absorbing the warm summer wind, I stood thinking about what I would be doing with James, Remus and even Peter, If, of course I hadn't been so stupid, if i was honest, I missed them all, Peter included.

I carried on walking, my robes blowing slightly around my ankles due to the ever increasing wind, strolling at a relaxing pace until I saw James, remus and Peter. We didn't even acknowledge each other as we walked past one another, not even as much a a nod.

"Alright snivellus" I heard james say causally, how I would love to be with them at the moment. Snivellus just carried on walking, hidding he face behind his black, greasy hair, that was the worst possible thing he could of done. I chuckled to myself at his stupidity. "Come on now, where's you manners" James said, his hands out and doing a mock bow towards Snape, tauting him. Snape had come to his last resort, the thing he was only half decent at.

Impulsivly, he burried his hand in his pocket and whipped out his wand.

"Oh if its a duel you want it is a duel you will get, my friend." added james, taking his wand out in one motion, clearly his promise to Lily had ended.

"Stupify!" shouted Snape, but James was to quick for Snape, I saw James swipe his wand to the right to easily deflect the simple spell, his expression was almost bored.

"Is that all? I was hoping for a better dual, haven't had one with you in ages." I heard James mock. "Levicopus" he said, as soon as the words left his mouth, Snape suddenly rose to the air, dangeling down by his ankle "who wants to embarrass Snivellus even more?!" James called out to the gathering audience. Cheers flowed through the crowd. Just before James carried on, Evans turned up, most likely about to ruin the show... As always.

Third Person POV:

"What do you think you're doing Potter, haven't you got bored of harassing the people around you? frankly, at this age, you should be embarrassed" she said, obviously outraged.

"Aah come to see the show have you? my Delicate Little Lily Flower." he replied, completely ignoring Lily's long thread of rhetorical question, a simple smirk creeping up on his face. After a small amount of chuckling from the ever increasing crowd, he pulls a face that is meant to depict faulse consideration. "I'll only stop if you go out with me."

"James" she said sweetly, "I would never ever go out with you, if I had to choose between you and the squid in the Black Lake, I'd choose the squid" she smiled sweetly, "now let him down." He voice far more serious.

"Okay" James replied, imitating Lily's tone of voice and with a downward action used on his wand, Severus came tumbling down and lands on his stomach, badly winded.

"I... do not need .... help from you, your a filthy... little ... mudblood." Snape spat, even more venom pumped into his harsh words than normal. His eyes returning to small slits in his jet black eyes.

Lily was stunned, tears brimming around her green, almond eyes. James was seeing red, his temper that was usually under control was threatening to appear.

Remus looked up from his work, which was incredibly unusual.

Peter even stopped fidgeting, which was even more unusual.

"Sev-Severus, what did you just say?" Lily stuttered, not sure whether she should be angry, upset or embarrassed.

Before Snape could answer, James intervened, his face contorted in anger.

"You'll pay for that Snape, your lucky the cruciatus curse is illegal" James bellowed, rolling up his sleeves and stalking over to Severus with a more than dangerous look on his face then ever.

But Snape was quick as he cast the spell before James had even said an incantation, shocking James as Snape was normally sluggish on his speed and ferocity of his spells .

"Sectesempra!" Snape shouted, his voice wavering slightly as he knew how much damage his homemade speed would inflict on James. Snape was glad he had created such a vicious spell, specifically for James, it was almost like all of Snape's emotional hurt, was being materialised, showing its self easily in just a ,swish of his wand. James instantly fell to the floor in front of Lily, Remus, Peter and Sirius, a expression if raw emotion on all of their faces: afraid, worried, despair but most of all, anger.

James neat, school white button up shirt was now stained with James' red blood, seeping away further into the cotton fabric.

"Oh God" Lily muttered, her emerald eyes widening, having no clue what to do, as great, deep gashes we're appearing on james' toned upper torso, upper stomach and face. "madam pomphrey" Lilly mumbled. "Go and get madam pomphery!" She shouted. Every one stared at James and Lily, dumbstruck at the sight of most of James' blood, leaking onto his clothes, and slowly staining Lily's. "NOW" she shouted at the top of he voice, tears brimming her bottom eye lid. A Hufflepuff from the crowd, took the initiative to get the hospital warden and started to sprint into the arched bridge and up to the castle.

Sirius was in shock, but as it registered to him what had just happened, he came running from the corner of the yard, where he was standing, over to James' side.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry for everything I've done" said Sirius, with a desperate tone to his voice, hoping James was listening, as Sirius could see his eyes flutter upwards.

James was just conscious, "It's alright mate I... I forgive... you" then James vision became blurry, at first, the black dots in his vision came slow, then all at once, the merciless darkness engulfed him.

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