The Four Marauders: Arrogance is a curse

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"Next time, we are skiving off for history of magic" Alice told Marlene and Lily after a ridiculously boring lesson.

"Miss Prewett! I am disgusted that you would have such thoughts!" Marlene bantered.

"And Miss McKinnon... You should know better than to make me feel lower and beneath you!" Alice said back, louder this time.

Lily rolled her eyes as she turned the corner, only to quickly walk backwards, eyes wide. "What the hell?! Can you not just back up like that please?" Marlene said, her harsh voice that lily had already become accustom to Over the quick two weeks of being at hogwarts.

"Turn around and go back the other way" lily demanded, only resulting in Alice getting more curious and poking her head around the corner.

"It's James and his friends" she justified. "Have you got a problem with humans or something"

"No. No. Not at all. I just have a problem with them" lily said, trying to pull Alice and Marlene away.

Lily resorted to going away by herself, desperately not wanting to see James and his little gang. "Hi, Lily" Severus said as she rounded the corner in the opposite direction of James.

"Hey, I didn't see you thee" lily have Severus a friendly hug but lily couldn't help but notice that Severus lingered slightly too long in the hug, leaving lily feeling kind of awkward. "How are things?" Lily and Severus hadn't seen each other in about two days, considering they normally saw each other everyday, it was a big difference for the them.

"Things are fine, I'm really settling into slytherin" Severus' face lifted as he smiled.

"That's brilliant- uh, can we walk the other-"

"Well well well" a arrogant voice spoke.

"Black, please go away" lily told Sirius, not trying to stat an argument.

"If it isn't lickle lily with her boyfriend snivellus" he kicked his left foot up against the stone wall, leaning in onto his with his back against the wall as well.

"And so what if we do go out?" Lily bravely asked, instantly regretting it after she said it.

"Was that a confession?" Sirius smirked.

"Go away, black or I'll hex you" Severus spoke up, wanting it all to be over.

"Did you here that?" Even though Sirius wasn't directly taunting lily and Severus, the way he did everything said other wise. The way he stood, spoke, looked, moved. Everything said that he was  loving taunting them both. "Maybe we should teach them both some manners?" A crowd was forming around them all.

James stepped forwards from the crowd, "if you don't mind, I'd like to be the one who teaches snivellus"

Severus instinctively brought out his wand. "Oh no, Severus, failing would be far to boring we're talking the muggle way. Fists to fists." Severus shook his head, declining the offer of a fight with no magic. Even looking at James build, even at the age of eleven he could tell James could knock him out stone cold. "It are you a coward" a cruel smile appeared in Sirius' face.

Severus' face turned sour at the mention of cowardice. He walked forwards, theatrically pulling his robe sleeves up earning a few hysterical bouts of laughter from Sirius, Peter, Remus and James.

Quickly their laughter was disturbed when Severus launched himself onto James, grabbing his by the shoulders. Severus had no idea what to do next as he hadn't got that far into the plan.

James took the opportunity and swung a punch at Severus, making his pale face turn to the side, his featured distorted in pain.

With the added shit of adrenaline, Severus kicked James in the left knee, causing James to buckle. In triumph, serves looked over to lily, smiling.

"Watchout!" Lily shouted, so quick it sounded lily one word.

But Severus was too slow. James  elbowed him in the stomach, making Severus curl over, brought his knee up into Severus' face and gave him a stern push in the side making his fall to the ground.

James turned around, clapping his hands as if he was clapping dirt off of them. He looked at Sirius, Remus and Peter, all of their faces looking worried. James turned back and saw Professor McGonagall looking back at him, like a cat would look at an unsuspecting squirrel.

James swore under his breath. "Mr potter, I think that you will accompany me to the head masters office immediately."

James could think of so many snide, sarcastic remarks he could of said back, but for once, he managed to keep his mouth shut.

The walk up to Dumbledore's office was uneventful and most boring, listening to about five minutes of McGonagall's lecture about how the youth today don't know how easy they've all got it.

Of course, this whole conversation was completely false. Of course the youth today knew how easy they've got it. But not in comparison to the last generation. The 'youth today' probably had a better understanding of how easy they've got it than the last generation will ever have. James knew that there were other people in other places that had lives that were much harder than his own. The ironic thing was, though, was that the generation before McGonagall was probably telling her that she doesn't know how easy she's got it.

Nevertheless, James just responded with a series of passive answers that would probably soon make all conversation with McGonagall incapable of happening. After all, how long can you have a one sided conversation?

"Lemon sherbets." She inducted to the great statue that guarded Dumbledore's office. James stared at the moving statue, watching it produce many steps, spiralling away from the centre. "Up you go!" She prompted.

James started to climb the stairs, counting them as he went along. He counted thirty two. Though he might be wrong. "I've already notified Dumbledore's as to why your there" he heard the professor shout up as he rapped on the door four times.

"Come in" Dumbledore said. James heaved open the heavy, oak door. "How are you?" Dumbledore asked, "adrenaline pumped?" He joked.

It was weird because James had expected Dumbledore to yell at him or something. But he didn't.

"I've been told you have been in a fight, young man"

"That's right, sir"

"I suppose you get a kick out of it, correct? Don't answer that. Of course you do or you wouldn't go around fighting for no reason" Dumbledore said. "Well you may go now, James" Dumbledore said, closing the subject.

"Sir, I thought-"


"Nothing, sir, don't worry." James quickly turned around in the office and headed for the exit, not wanting to wait around and Dumbledore change his mind of the decision of letting James off.

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