The Four Marauders- Tears

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Lily and Severus sat one at each side of the wooden bench, there was about a thirty centimetre gap between them too, Snape's cold black eyes staring at Lily, Lily staring at the lush green valleys around the Hogwarts castle, trying to look everywhere apart from him.

"How could you, Severus" Lily finally said, emotions running high, she still didn't know how to feel and it had been ages. Lily and Severus would of talked it over before, but the fact that they were avoiding each other like the plague.  "To say that word. Mudblood to me. Why would you do that?"

"It just sort of... slipped out" he said coldly and full of bitterness, not even a glips of remorse.

"'It just sort of slipped out'" lily mocked, "Severus, I don't think your seeing the same thing as me, people are saying I should just quit our friendship." She said. "Four years of friendship, and people say that I should end it over something that slipped out" she said as she threw her hands up in frustration.

"Then why don't you then?" Snape said, with the most bitterness Lily had ever heard.

Lily was tearred apart by what she had just heard. Silent tears started to roll down her face and on to her rosy, soft cheeks. "You... you r-really mean t-that?" She asked between sobs. Snape stared at her, he showed no emotion, as always.

Lily looked up at the sky, trying to compose her self. "if that's the way you want it to be..." she paused "Then so be it" she said formally.

And with that, she stood up abruptly, ran-walked away from Snape as quickly as she could, she hated people seeing her like this.

When people saw her crying or upset, she felt venerable, she thought that people (peter, James and Sirius) would see her emotions as a window of chance and try to make her emotions even worse. She had only ever told Alice and Severus this, as most people didn't understand her when she explained her feelings.

When she ran round the corner, tears flooding down on her rosy cheeks, she ran into, the one and only, messy haired, hazel eyed, skinny built. James. Potter.

That was all she needed: the arrogant, idiot, come to gloat about how he was always right. As Lily thought more about this, she came to the conclusion, that, maybe, just maybe, James might be right on this occasion. Might being the key word.

"Hello my delica- Lily?" He questioned, "Whats wrong?" he added, James sounded genuinely concerned.

"W-why does every one h-hate m-me" she said between sobs, only just coherently. She felt crushed, shocked, confused and distort, all at the same time, is that even possible, she thought, to have so many feelings all at the same time?

"No one hates you," he said sincerely, "And if your talking about that bad excuse for a human," Lily knew he meant Snape, "Then he doesn't deserve anything as great as your, passion, friendship, self-discipline and beauty."

This was all to much for Lily, things had just piled up on her, what with Petunia calling her a freak, everyone treating her like she was a five year old just because she is friends with a Slytherin, or was friends with a Slytherin, not now of course, and plus all the extra work she had to keep on to off now she was in her third year at Hogwarts, it was only a matter of time before this all crept up on her.

James pulled her into a hug, feeling awkward at first, she soon became comfortable and he lead her back to the Griffindor common room, James supporting her weight as they climbed the moving stairs.

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