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Papa! Look what Grandpa gave me!

T-that's. . . Nice, . . Son. I'll have to speak to him about it though.

Aren't they just the neatest?

Heads up in this chapter- Paul and Carter got a touch out of hand. Thankfully Kira went back to fix the timeline. But of course, Paul insisted I keep in the: murder, gore, and r*pist themes.(don't worry. I would never write or even consider such a thing with any characters under my wing. It just has moments that may feel close to that territory. Plus, I'm not even touching the. Um. You know that side of the fandom. Every fandom has that 'Rule'.)

Also also, I do not plan these out entirely. I did not decide clear back in 2 that 'Hey!' I want such and such to happen to such and such.' That never happened. The storyline just kinda flows. I make the general direction of the water, but I can't control exactly where and how it flows.

Germany had dropped his flashlight, making a mad dash towards the house. The fireworks pounded overhead, illuminating the field for a few seconds at a time.

He had to get back to his notes, just to try and make sense of what he'd seen. Or better yet ask the family. Surely they'd know. Right? Of course they would know, unless. . . It didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was getting back to the safety of his well-known friends and the house. Safety in numbers they say.

Germany didn't get to the house, effectively blipping out of sight from the rest of the countries during a break between the fireworks. Something had grabbed his arm, bringing the country to the ground. Back against dirt, one of the first things he did was to try and land a punch somewhere. The head or the shoulders were most preferable.

His knuckles managed to make contact with the attacker, making them drop something into the grass.

He didn't care if he split a knuckle or three, the house was more important than ever. The attacker threw themselves onto Germany again, golden fireworks exploding up above. The country was pinned to the ground by the larger, them seeming to have a back-up of the item they dropped.

Before Germany got a good look at it, something hot and wet splattered across his face as a gunshot was heard. The attacker jerked off, the bullet having hit something vital. He crawled out from underneath, getting back up on his feet.

Germany just continued his sprint for the house.

Thankfully he hadn't lost his glasses, him hanging on tight to the fragile frames. Without them he was almost as blind as a bat.

From this point Germany got a decent look at the porch, seeing everyone from before besides.
'New Zealand.'

That mild disappearance was enough to crumble some of Germany's trust in the Anglosphere troop. If that was Zealand back there, what did he want? What would they do? Why?

Germany saw another figure up ahead, himself swerving right to avoid them. They swerved as well, scarily closing the distance between them. Just as they were in range, Germany swung another punch. This one connected again, only much more painfully for his knuckles.

He could hear them hold back a curse, but unlike the previous attacker the blow didn't slow them down. Germany got tackled again, this time successfully being held down.

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