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Your wife. She is expecting twins, no?

America was still winded on the ground. By now Zar, Russia and Canada had climbed down, Aussie keeping Russia's siblings entertained. Japan had also climbed down, China retiring to a chair up on the deck. That is until he decided to make some tea, heading back inside the house.

"Are you alright?"
"Been better." The fallen country wheezed out, not having bothered to move anything. Canada simply chuckled, "Oh how the mighty have fallen."

"Say that to my face." The comment had spurred Ame to at least try to move onto his side, propping himself up on an arm. "Oh really? How the mighty have fallen." "Why you littl-" "Little?! I have almost 13& on you!" "13 or not you're still going down."

I had no idea what do to height/measurements in, so until I can decide '&' will be the measurement for height.

America had managed to recover enough, starting to charge after Canada.

Aussie, the stinker, had showed Belarus and Ukraine his slingshot collection. With help from a sink, they were able to get a decent arsenal of water balloons.

Russia, who was wise enough to look up, had moved closer to the lip of the porch to make himself a less-known target. As for the rest, well.

Free game.

Japan screeched a little when she got hit, Zar cackling all the while.

Canada and America were the primary targets for Aussie, and when it came to the slingshot he had yet to meet another competitor to match his skill. By now America had managed to close a lot of the distance between Canada and him. Smile mallocious, Aussie aimed.


"AUSTRALI-OOF!" Having been somewhat blinded by the water, Canada was open to a tackle. America took the opening, knocking the both of them to the ground. Before Ame could claim victory, a water balloon landed smack in the back of his head. Canada cackled, the younger two joining in.

Back to Belarus's target, he had aimed at Russia, moving to fling a balloon down below.

"Piz-dets." Russia dived to avoid the balloon, the projectile narrowly missing. Belarus threw another down, only for his older brother to catch the balloon. "Oh no." Russia chucked it back up, hitting the small country in the face.

Ukraine, meanwhile, was busy trying to get Japan soaked. Zar had avoided two of the three total balloons they fired, the third heading for Japan. The Japanese country distracted Ukraine enough for Zar to climb back up the ladder. Aussie looked over in time, jumping down and snagging the ladder after Zar had stood up. "Retreat!"

Belarus looked over as well, scurrying out of the way. The top half of him was soaked, but that didn't stop him from trying to launch another attack at his brother.

Ukraine was a moment too late, as Zar dumped five of the balloons on them. The smaller country was instantly soaked, some of the splash coming back and threatening to hit China.

The red country glanced up, looking at the two remaining on the porch. A water balloon had rolled over to him, the Chinese curiously picking it up. Like Ukraine could not take another hit, the sixth and finale landed square. Zar chuckled, seeing the country completely drenched.

"You concede?" "I concede. . . It's cold."

Down below, Aussie was keeping his brothers at bay with a barrage of water cannons. "I have to agree with Ukraine up there. It is getting cold."

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