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Mamam! Papa!

There, there, my dear. It's just a thunderstorm. It'll soon pass.

Mmmmmmmm. Can I 'tay?

Of course.

Besides son, there are wors-

Shh. It'll be alright. Just stay here with us.

After loosing to several rounds in a row, America finally admitted defeat. Botswana had made the wise choice to simply let the German dominate the cards a few rounds ago.

"Dang Germs, you're good at this." He stated as he passed the cards back to Germany.

"Well it helps when you play for a while. Mind one more round?" "Oh please. I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of winning again."

To this the country's red and gold eyes gained a much more sly look. "How about this. Game of your choice. Winner gets to take something of the other for 30 minutes. If it's a tie, then Swan here gets to choose."

"Hmm." America considered this. If he won, he could be able to snag Germs glasses and watch them suffer like the blind bat they are. If he lost, best not to think about that. This was his game. There was no way he could lose.

"Deal." With a nod, Germany passed the deck over to Meri. As the other country started to shuffle, "So what game did you pick?"

After seven cards were dealt to each, "Gin. The rules are simple. You want three of a kind and a run of four. First to get it wins. You can either pull cards off of the discard pile, or draw. You can only keep seven cards at any given time. You wanna start?"

"Uh, ja. Sure."

Germany could feel America's gaze on him as he looked through his cards. He only had a ♠️Jack ♥️Queen ♦️2, ♠️7, ♣️10, ♥️Jack, and a ♠️9. He quickly deemed the 2 useless, grouping together the jacks and spades. The queen was moved off onto the right, next to her respective jack.

With a pull from the deck, he discarded the fresh 5 hearts. America drew as well, discarding a three. Cards came this way and that, Germany chancing across a jack and a specific eight early on. Now all he needed was a 10 or a 6. With America finally pulling a card from the discard, Germany better have some luck leftover from earlier.

And by the graceful hand of the current author, Germany did. With a lucky draw, he was able to find a 6. Quickly discarding his 10, he slammed down his hand. "Dang it." "I won America. Now on to the bet. Time to pay up."

With a grumble, America started to gather up the cards again. "Fine. What is it you want?" "Your shirt!" Botswana shouted out.

"I-." "No. No. I want your shades. We can head to the trees beforehand though." With a loooooooong sigh, "K. Least it'll be better than the shirt. Could take a nap." Meri mumbled to himself, grabbing his backpack.

"What was that America? Should I listen to Swan instead?" "Both of you are jerks. And besides. You can't handle an awesome bod like I have." He tempted, now sitting down under a nearby large oak. Laying down in the grass, the red and white country let out a relaxed sigh. Meanwhile Germany was caught on making a choice.

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