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You don't get it. You are never to interact with anyone else. Understand?

Dear, they are just children.

OUR children, and I don't want them to get hurt.

But they can't get hurt like you think they will if they don't embrace it. They didn't learn how to ride their bikes until they all scrapped their knees.

Ha. I don't think you two realize that the rest of them crashed on purpose to make America feel better. Then they all could have fun with the colorful bandages.

America had just gotten out of the building, the rest of his brothers in tow.

"So what do we think about this entire thing?" He started off. Canada was next, "Either way, if we stay out of this or not, we're in danger." "I personally say to find a group. There's more advantages." "You have a point Aussie." Zealand finished off.

America stretched out his arms (while Author's brain slowly descended into mush at seeing their amazingly thought out script of stuff being thrown into chaos and lore being fully exposed being thrown out the window and now had to drastically change course on a dime- most likely leading to a time skip soon), beginning to head back. He had managed to steal five walkie-talkies before he left, shoving them all into the mini backpack strapped over his shoulder.

"Well, I personally think we should talk about this at the house." Canada suggested. Aussie, now up on the eldest brother's shoulders, "That sounds like a good idea. I'm still hungry."

"Did you not get enough to eat when you were at China's?" Zealand asked the littlest.

"Well they gave me a lot of this tangy chicken, but, um. . . China and Japan know about our special diet."

"Five for the swear jar Zealand." America commented. "But now it's official. At least one of us needs to be with whatever group China and Japan are in. If they know, then what's to say they won't use that to their advantage? And if they do that thenwe may not be ableto resist a-and loose control. What ifwe, ifwe- if I couldbarely keep sane without Canada, thenwhatwould happenifwe gotseperated? WhatifIhurtsomeoneagai-"

America grabbed his older brother by the shoulders, managing to silence the shaking other.

"Breath Kiwi. In, . . . and out. . . . Just keep going Kiwi." As Kiwi focused on matching his breathing pattern to America's, Aussie moved over to Canada's shoulders. 

"We're not going to get separated like we did the other time, alright? We're not going to hurt anyone we know. Things are different now- we have friends and people like us. And we were all close to a day behind- you were having some withdrawals. After last night you got enough, and it's not going to happen again. Alright?" America reasoned, countering every negative his brother had. Sure, he was one of the younger, but that sure as hell didn't mean he couldn't step up when needed to.

They were family, and they needed to look after each other.

As soon as he could hear a little difficultly in his brother's airway, he felt the kerchief that protected their gills.

"It's a bit dry. Well. Let's all go to the house." America stated, gently scooping up Zealand. He made sure not to put too much strain on the other's shoulder, given that it was still trying to heal. Canada nodded as well, Aussie on their shoulders.

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