10- South Africa

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This was a fun and long chapter to write. Here's a source I used for all of the slang. Although looking back at it now I didn't use too much of it as I would have liked, but hey. I am currently happy with it.


And my search already knows what I want. I type in 'Zimbabwe', and it suggests 'curse words in Zimbabwean'.

The night had defiantly taken an interesting turn, but an exciting one none the less. It's not everyday a country inadvertently claims war on another and wins overnight. But wasn't there that one country who was kinda a tyrant before they left?

Oh yeah. There was. But they were a dronkie domkop and a piece of kak. Good riddance to them. Besides, Zar managed to get around just fine without them, her only other 'grown-up' relative, Netherland, helping where he could in his own way.

The air wasn't terribly cold tonight, only a slight breeze to put a damper on the summer night.

The old oaks and pines that lined the road out of the house covered up the night sky and the glorious stars that were scattered above. It wasn't uncommon for a house, especially a large one to be tucked away on a 'private' road. While they were required to be public much like the main roads, many countries just simply respect the lane and don't go down them.

Unless they have fruit trees lining the lane like Mexico or Spain. Then it wasn't uncommon to find younger countries climbing the trees with baskets and bags in their arms. While the younger tried to not get caught by either, they preferred to get caught by Mexico (as long as they had a reason for him to 'turn a blind eye'). Or if Spain was having a bad day and needed help picking the fruits. Either way, there was more often than not a way out.

South Africa chuckled to herself at the memory.

"Hm?" Japan had caught up, following the train out to the street. The more Northern countries were farther ahead, one of the tall ones giving chase after two of the shortest.

"Oh. Was just thinking about when I was younger. I've always liked these kinds of lanes. . Doesn't the Prosperity lane have trees?"

"Oh yes! We have a mix of red cedar sujis and cherry trees. What about you Zar?"

"Just last year we got our official house finished, and during the build we planted some yellowwood, quivers, morulas, Big Tree-" "Big tree? Don't most trees become big?" "Oh no. Big tree is the actual name of the tree. It's Zimbabwe's favorite actually, that tall red mahogany. Eswatini enjoys the gardenia thunbergia, but they were hard to find. I myself like the yellowwoods, Botswana the morulas. Lethuso finds peace in seeing the sefea-maebe grow. That leaves Namibia wanting his quivers."

"You have a lot of different trees. I don't mean to be rude, but it doesn't immediately all come together."

"So? We wanted the trees, and we got them. Who cares if they look good together?"

"Good point. The same could be said about my lane. . .Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have the Aspa house, right?"

"Ja-nee." "???" "Yes." "Ah, sorry about that. I don't know very many languages besides my own and Pangaea's."

That random person in the comments spoke up. "Wait? Aren't they all speaking English?" Kracka spun around in their swivel chair, admittingly looking a little high after snorting crushed up Easter Smarties or just a lack of sleep. Maybe it was both. Probably both. "I am only writing this in English cause it is my first language. I am too lazy to convert between a bunch of languages between different countries, so I decided to give them all a base language. Of course they can all speak their native, but I'm not worrying about it unless it has a fairly big impact. However, watch as I go against my own word later in this chapter." "Oh. Um. . ." "Clear as mud?" "I-. "Good. Onwards with the story. And patch up the fourth wall as you exit." "B-but it's so fragile once it's pointed out."

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