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There is something you must know, my grandson. Every untaught conscience will always attack what is different unless it benefits them. It is not your job to teach them.

Not yet.

But Grand-pere. I don't want to do it at all is the thing.  I actually hate it. Can't I just play with the rest of my brothers instead?

No. Now.


Germany sat on one of the couches, letting the two gals dress the supposed wound.

"Soviet isn't going to be gone forever, and we can't get much information until America wakes up. . . I suggest we head to the Anglosphere's."

"Really Germany? We just got here, and we're not going to just break into another country's house." "Well if we're right, which at this point it'd be smacking us in the face if not, then no one else will be in the house. Plus, we'll be able to look around and see if we can't figure out the other connections to all this. Not to mention make it seem that the house is active, bringing more suspicion away from the brothers."

"Not for long. Knowing UN he'll be having just about everyone he can getting as much information as they can about the three, then it's another 'all attend meeting' to determine what to do with them." South Africa called from the couch. "Man. Must've thrown him onto a sharp edge of the cage I recon. These are too straight to be anything else."

"U- what is?"

"Just some parallel cuts. They're thin thankfully." Japan cut off Germany, as well as the end of the wrap. "But I do agree with you Germany. We need to find somewhere else to camp out."

"Well my place is out. Sure me and Bambi have an idea- Bambi even got to pet Red and Mini Blue the other night apparently, but Lesotho wouldn't exactly be thrilled. Germany's, Second and Third would have our heads. And I'm not ready to have Soviet ripple the end of the second war." South Africa started off. "You and China's place maybe, yet the same point as Germs made." "What did I do to deserve that nickname?" "Have your name translated."

"And besides, would you rather your nickname be Deutsch?" Japan jeered with a smile before bringing the conversation back around. "So break into the Anglosphere's it is then?" "Seems like it."

"What if someone visits?" "I'm sure that 'pet-sitting' would be a great excuse." "So it's decided then." Zar ended with a clap of her hands.

Lethargically, Russia sat up. "So who's carrying him, cause I'm not." He said bluntly. Germany was now the last one still sitting, an unknown force propelling him to volunteer. "And besides. From what I hear from the rest of you they're not that heavy."

Turns out that even small weights can become heavy depending on how long the walk was. Thrice Germany had to readjust the American, taking care as to not accidently pull at the bandages. Given Russia's seemingly sour mood, the shorter thrice striped was able to get by without any help.

"Hey Russia? Everything alright? Did you hit your arm on something? You seem to be nursing it." "It's nothing. Just a bump."

By tone alone Germany got another example of how Russia was just like his father. Personally Germany didn't agree with that. Not to mention it wasn't fun being constantly compared to those that came before you. Or they completely forget who came before you. Like how only 10 years of war seemed to fully overshadow centuries of prosperous advancement in the fields of science and literacy. Ten years that not even all of Germany's landmass supported. True, the first war had a lot of support due to the turn of the century's circumstances, but by the time Hitler had risen to power not even half the country supported him.

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