Oneshot 2

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Russia groaned as he grabbed at his head. It took him a minute or two to realize that his eyes were actually open, light being non-existent.

Coming up to a sitting position, he felt the ground beneath him.

Firm, yet had some give to it. The texture reminded him of cardboard. A little farther off was something warm and fluffy. Picking up the object, Rus quickly recognized it as his ushanka. It must have fallen off during. . . Whatever had happened.

It was strange. One minute he was in the park with the sun shining and grass under his feet, the next he was here. Wherever here was.

Some mumblings off to the side took control of his train of thought.

"Ukraine? That you?" He asked, getting back an immediate whisper-yell "RUSSIA!".

The darkness prevented the clear sight of his younger sibling, the two coming closer by voice alone.

"Russia? Ukraine? Who all is here?" A voice that sounded like Canada's asked out.

One by one, the countries were able to find and identify each other. "Where do we think we are?" "I think some kind of cave."

"Um. I think we're in a box. No cave has defined corners like this." America said, a ways off from the group. "Hey, someone mind giving me a lift? I think I see something."

Russia, being the tallest, hoisted the smaller country up onto his shoulders after finding them again. Dull thuds could be heard as the two's height made it possible to reach the ceiling. "Either this roof is solid, or there's something heavier on top."

The confined world they were in was suddenly lurched one way, the movement making the countries crash to one of the walls. An upward motion stopped any attempts to get back up.

Germany was about to start complaining, if only it weren't for the sounds now coming from the outside. There was the clatter of pots and pans, muffled by the walls. There was a new sound coming from the other end of the area.

Japan couldn't help but 'eep!' (and she wasn't the only one) a little went something stabbed through the ceiling. The light lining the blade lit the enclosure somewhat, proving it was as bland and empty as they figured it to be. The blade scrapped along the ceiling in a straight line.

As a unified mass, the countries had all scooted over to one of the corners. South Africa managed to slip by, leaving Belarus trapped in the corner instead.

The blade reached the edge of the wall, retreating through the crack it left. With a quick slice, it cut through a section right above their heads. Going away, the blade retracted into the wall again. The roof looked a lot looser than it was before, seeming to prove America's theory that they were in a box of sorts.

Large fingers grasped at the edge of one of the roof halves, garbled language pausing the owner from tearing off the top. With a return of hisses and gurgles, the now halfway-open lid was let go again.

With light now seen, America didn't hesitate at trying to climb out. "Ame! What are you doing?!" "Getting out of here." Fingers clawing into the cardboard, he was eventually able to reach the lip.

"What do you see?"

"Either we got shipped to giants, or we shrunk."

"What?!" "I- Oh Sh-!" As of this point he had sat himself on the lip, making the sudden sight the cause for him falling off onto the other side.

"Ame-" South Africa shushed the Russian, gesturing to listen.

Footsteps were coming. Large ones.

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