Chapter 13

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I sat up as fast as I could from the bad dream I just had. I looked around and saw Taylor, and Jake stand up as fast as they could.

"Sis your awake, are you feeling any pain?" He said with worry dripping from his voice. I tried to talk but my throat was to soar to even breathe in and out of my mouth. I just held my hand to my throat and coughed causing my throat to hurt worse, as soon as that happened Taylor and Jake were at my side.

"Her throat, dude hand me the water." I gladly took it and sipped as much at I could to get more water.

"Wow, slow down sis or I might have to get a dump truck full of water." I flipped him off and motioned for him to come closer to me, he did as told and I punched him as hard as I could muster for now in the arm.

"Don't mess with me I may have been in a coma but I can kick your ass either way." I said in a hushed whisper.

"Taylor, how long have you been here same with you Jake?" They looked at each other and at me then shrugged it off like it was nothing. I pushed the button so the doctor will come in.

"Go home now you two."I said as the doctor came in.

"Oh no you wouldn't." Taylor and Jake said in unison. I smile.

"My throat hurt and could you please get these two home." she smiled and walked out, a few minutes later two security men came in to the room.

"Sis we love you enough to stay as long as you are here please, please don't do this." I smiled and waved.

"Go home and get rest come back tomorrow."

I was sitting in my room when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled, as soon as I said that I regretted it.

"Nathan what the hell are you doing here!"

"I am here to see my girl, you know the one that had my heart the one I love."

"I am not yours I am Taylor's and only Taylor's." he came walking towards me smirking. he grabbed me and made me look at him. I grabbed the panic button and pressed it letting the people know I needed help and fast.

"You will marry me Isa you will have my children in you and you will live a happy life,and if you don't then say goodbye to your life oh and if you don't do as I say I will force you into having kids with me understood." I smirked and nodded. he walked out and I canceled the call. But the only thing he didn't know is I recorded every word, sentence, and paragraph he just said. I stopped my phone and called the cops to handle what I couldn't. I typed the numbers to the police station/911.

"911, What is your emergency?"

"Hello, my name is Isabella Hail I have just been threatened I have everything on tape but the only problem is I currently just got out of a coma a few hours ago."

"Ma'am I will switch you over to chief of police and see what he says."

"Thank you Ma'am." I was soon switched and given a chef to talk to.

"Hello Ms. Hail my name is chef David what may I help you with."

"Hello Sir I was just threatened my life and many others I have every thing on my phone I am currently laying In the hospital do to me being in surgery and under going a coma."

"Thank you miss may I ask what room."

"My room is room 322 top floor last room on your right."

~thirty min later~

I replayed the video record for Mr.David he is just standing there looking at a notepad writing down what was on the phone.

"Ok Ms.Hail we need his name, address, age and why he is doing this to you."

"His name is Nathan Stark, his address is 5115 twentieth street, he is 18 years of age, and he wants me to be with him so he will stop at nothing to get what he wants." with that he nodded told me to rest and was on his way.
That night I got to thinking why did he want me what was I to him why was I so important. I soon went to sleep seeing how I would find out what would happen tomorrow.

Ahhhhhhhh he's back what is he going to do next is he un stoppable will he get caught what happens next get me 230 reads an you will find out.

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