Chapter 17

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To begin what I am about to day is serious. I love the character of Isabella but I don't know what to do, you guys are not talking to me so what I write for this chapter is what happens. I may edit it and fix what I think need to be fixed about it but other then that I will write what ever come mind.
-RANT OVER- enjoy Chapter!!!! <3

-Taylor's POV-
I watch as the casket is being put under ground. I have a straight face and a tux on. I feel as though as if I am all alone. I feel dead. The worst part about this is,I only have one memory pain. I have the pain that is unsatisfying, the pain of having a person you care so much about die the one you Love, the one you protect and the one you want to cherish forever you can never have all because of one thing. Death. The one thing in life people are always happy to go to, never scared to find, there happy place. Death. It the word that frightens me it's never the thought. I mean I think about it all the time as though I am watching the unthinkable happen. I am watching my sister being berried right before my eyes. She has always told me to stay strong even in my darkest. To stay strong even when I am at my limit of letting go, of forgetting how to hold on. I forgot how to hold on once.
The result I lost everything. My love, sister, parents. One mistake can do it all.

My sister, my girlfriend and my best friends girlfriend, what else are do you want. You are so close to taking my sister, if I even shit wrong it could end her life. Not that bad but getting there. You know what?NO! This is my family, that is MY sister right there and I will be damned if you took her away!

I am sitting in class thinking about my girlfriend when I feel a buzzing in my pocket. unknown number calling, not carting who's here I answer it.


"Hi, is this Mr. Jake Hale?"

"Why yes it is. Who is asking?"

"I am so sorry but you need to get to the hospital ASAP." Was all I heard and ended the call before hanging-up and running, out the class to my car driving as fast as the gage will let me go. I pull into hospital and ask for the names of three people.

"Hi I am looking for Lyrika Valera, Taylor Bair, and my girlfriend Tailer Bair?" I asked frantically. She pointed to a curtain. I walked over their and opened it up to see two body bags and a hospital bed with Taylor on it.

I am done with losing people that would be three people I care about in the past two years. Fuck this shit I am not losing her.

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