Chapter 4

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Jakes POV

I don't get what happened and here I am waiting for my sister to come out of surgery I have been eight hours already, how long does it take to work on someone. My mom I s sitting on my dads lap crying. Taylor is clenching his fists that his whole hand has turned white. Soon a doctor came.

"Isabella Hail family?" questioned. We all stood up.

"Okay then, well we put her in a coma to help her heal because she wouldn't have made it, we put a new catheter in and we took the some of what we could see of the cancer."he finished off with a deep breath.

"Do you know how long she will be in the coma."

"That son is up to her, it could take hours, days, week, maybe even months.It just deepens if she heals fast enough and if she doesn't slip out of the coma then their is some other things we can do to help her out and if that doesn't work then their might not be anything else we can do for her but lat her slip away peacefully." With that said I stomped out of the building and ran out the front doors to the hospital. I started to punch the wall so hard you could see blood rushing down them. I went for another round of punching when someone's hands wrapped around my knuckles and put them down. My eye teared up and tears rushed down my eyes. I fell to the ground, I rested my head on the shoulder of my best friend. I quietly sobbed into him. At that point I didn't care if people thought it looked gay but I needed the comfort. We walked back inside, I walked over to my mom and hugged her as I nuzzled my head in her shoulder.

"They said you can go see her, her room is to the right fourth door in your left." I slightly smiled and ran towards her room. I reached her room and took a seat at the chair by her bed.I grabbed her hand and looked at her with tears in my eyes. A tube was coming out of her mouth, there was wires all over one for fluids, blood (since she lost two pints of blood) their was one that went in her arm and opposite wrist. After a while I decided talk to her, they said it might help the healing process and she might wake up sooner.

"Hey sis how you holding up, I know you are strong and you can do it, you are the strongest person I know, you made it this far with cancer and I will be damned if you stopped now. If you ever feel like you can't do it anymore talk to me I can't see you go you are everything to me, you are the reason I am not doing drugs anymore. You put my head on straight and when you let go I am going to be the same old Jake. I am asking you to wake up and we will get through this together." I was starting to cry. I started to sleep but I heard a faint cry before slipping into a deep sleep.


Hey hope you like it I will update tomorrow and Sunday so I will try to update every weekend let me know how you like it.

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