Chapter 15

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Hey so a few things I need to let you guys know,First go to youtube and go to Kenzies Ewing's page click the first person you see, that person is my sister I really want you guys to check herout she it a very good singerand I would love it if you could do that for me please and thank you! Second with in the past few days you have gotten me 349 reads and I saI am going to reward you by writing another chapter to the story so please be kind as to how short this may be, I am typing on my laptop for this chapter so enjoy!!!! RANT OVER!!


~Taylors POV~

I walk into Isabellas room to see her gone but with a note on the bed, I went up to it and opened it, as soon as i read it i was ferious. The words were boring into my head.

        I have Isabella, she will forever be mine and will stick with me I will not let her go, Taylor you can try and get her all you want, but you will not succed  you will never see her again,I am always going to be one step ahead of you and remember the harder you try to  get to her the more I can and will hurt her. hope you can go the rest of your life without Isabella in it because right now you are thinging of a way to get to me but you are not going to. Nice messaging with you.

                                                        Sincerly, John (Nathan's Twin) Ps Good luck to ya.

That got my blood boiling I went to the hospital entrance and ran straight to my truck. I texted Jake to let him know what just happended moments ago. God I hope you are okay Isa I know you can do this. I thought to myself as I backed out of the hospital, and to Jake and Isa's house. Well this is going to be fun trying to track down this John guy to get my love back and into my arms again. In fifteen minutes I was at Jake and Isa's house and jumping out of my truck and to the front door into the house to see a pacing Jake, Kierstan, and Nick. 

"Hey." Was all I said for their heads to snap towards my direction.

"So what is the plan Taylor?" I walked in so they were all in seeing range.

"We are going to try and get ahold of Nathan to see if he knows anything about his brother's plan with this." They all nodded and Jake pulled out his phone putting it on speaker, it ringged about four times before some one answered.

"Hello is Nathan there?" Kierstan asked into the phone so they wouldn't know who was callign and wouldn't get supisious about a man asking for Nathan.

"May I ask who is calling?" I walked over to Kierstan and said a name of a girl that he had went on a date with but never had called him for another.

"Yes, it is Karren." I crossed my fingers in hope they would buy it.

"Hello?" asked a different voice, shit that is not Nathan from the short time he has been hanging around us which I am guessing it was probabably only one to two days max. I got out my laptop and went to the tracker I had installed and I put in both the numbers that were being used. I tracked it to a old building it had vines and other plants growing up it, that was then I realized it was the old prison that had been shut down fifteen years ago. I didnt know how I remembered but I did and there is nothing that can be done to stop me from getting the love of my life back. After the phone call had ended I had went to a pay phone and called thre police, they said they would get her back tonight with the help of us. 

                                       ~FEW HOURS LATER~

We are now getting protection on our bullet proof vests so if they have guns then we wont get hurt if they shoot at us. We are driving in a van that says S.W.A.T  on the side of it. we are wearing black jeans, combat boots a bullet proof vest with a black shirt on over the vest so they wouldn't beable to see the vest. We parked were they wouldnt see us. We got out of the van to be stopped by two gaurds at the front blocking our way in. Jake and I walked up to the gaurds towering over them with our muscles and broad soulders. 

"Hey boys we are the gaurds that take next shift you guys can go and have a break." They both nodded and went to get a break but were arrested by the cops that wern't to far behind us. We walked into the building with half of the S.W.A.T as they carried guns and they even gave us pistoles to so that if we needed them we had them. We walked a little farther and soon right to where we needed to be I then heard a scream that I had learned to know all to well. I stormed in and saw Nathan or John walking out of one of the cells smirking, I looked down and that is when I lost it Isa was on the ground not breathing or moving unconcious, the smirk on the guys face soon left as he saw me and all the men behind me. 

"FIRE!" Yelled what I would guess is John. we pulled our guns out and started to shoot, when we were finished I saw most of the men on the ground either in pain or knocked out cold. I went and picked up Isabella and ran outside to a awaiting amulance sat waiting for me to come out. 

"She's not breathing and I can't feel a pulse." 

"Any medical issuses and any sugurys with in the past ten days?" They asked as the looked over her. 

"She has cancer and just have surgery two days ago." They looked at each other with worried expressions which only got me nervouser as to what happened to my love when I wasnt there with her. I am not letting her slip away. 

"They're might not be anything we can do for her but close up her wonds and put i=on a breathing mask on her and hope for the best." Now that I think of it I don't feel so bad for killing John with out going to jail for it becouse the S.W.A.T gave us permission to shoot for our defence. I am now looking at Isabella's lifeless body with a breathing mask on to help her breathe. 

"Nothing you cant do anything to save her, please you have to you have to save her, you dont understand I am supose to protect her let her live the life she want to live, give her the perfect marrage and childeren, Please try something." 

"We cant she lost to much blood and we dont have any in the ambulance." I thought for a moment and then remembered when we were little she needed blood but the hospital didnt have extra so they tested my blood and it was a perfect match. 

"Wait, I have the same blood hs she does take my blood and put it into her please." They looked at each other and then nodded I smiled and got into the ambo,and sat down next to the captian chair while one of them drove and the other got the things out to put my blood into Isa's body. He started by taking  a blue band and straping it onto my arm to make my vein making my veins easyer to find, Next he put on a cleaner and cleaned were he found my vein, he then did the same to Isa and put the needles that had the tube's on them in our arm and let the blood go into her body. 

"If you want you can lay next to her I can strap you in too so that her body will regain heat." I nodded as he un did the staps and let me lay mext to her strapping me ing making sure I didnt rest my arm wrong and have blood everywhere, I soon dozed off to sleep with content as Isa was in my arms not concious but in my arms.


Hey I hope you liked this chapter now if you get me 360 reads within this week to weekend I will update SEE YOu GUYS NEXT TIME!!!

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