Chapter 22

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Hey okay so I know I said I wasn't going to update the last few chapters but I lied my phone was going dead but I charged it and now here you go.

~The wedding Isabella's POV~

"Get up, get up, get up!" I heard someone yelling I opened my eyes to see Alyssa, Carrie, Avery, Tristan, Justin, Jordan, Kyle, Carter, and Joe.

"Come on we have to get you ready for your wedding today."

"Okay I'm up." I said as I sat up in bed I was soon dragged into the bathroom and the door was shut. I was left to take a shower. I turned the water on to the right temperature after I took my clothes off and put them in the dirty clothes bin. I stepped into the shower and washed my hair and body. When I was done I stepped out and saw clothes on the counter. I laughed as I looked at the clothes. Jeans, air Jordan's, and a 22 jersey. I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom.

"Okay so we are going to nails, then hair then make-up." I nodded and we headed out. We walked out the door we saw Jake and Justin but this time they weren't alone. There two beautiful girls with them.

"Hey, Isabella this is Sophia, and Krisa." Jake said. I walked over to them and smiled.

"Hello, nice to meet you two." They looked at each other and smiled. They grabbed me and gave me a big hug. I smiled.

"We need two more bridesmaids because two couldn't make it would you like to fill the place?" They nodded eagerly.

"I have never been a bridesmaid." Sophia said.

"Don't tell anyone but neither have I and today I am a bride." I said and smiled. Laughed and Jake looked down at her with so much love so much passion, I thought he was about to fall to his knees. But what he did next really did surprise me. He got down on one knee and said this.

"Sophia Marie shepherd I have loved you and will never stop loving you. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and help me tie my shoe." He got up and started laughing as Sophia had tears streaming down her face from her thinking he was proposing.

"You jackass!" Sophia said as I hugged her trying not to laugh.

After our laugh attack we loaded up for our 'girls day'.

We are now getting our hair finished up. My hair is in a presentable bun and has small hair that hangs in front of my face. Like what Bella off of twilights hair looked like when she got married to Edward. They finished up and we paid and drove home to finish getting ready.

"Alright let's get you sexyedup."

"Please don't say that when I am right here." Jake said.

-few hours later-
I put on my white dress that flowed down to the floor. (A/N: picture not the side or on top.)
I looked at myself in the mirror and was stunned by what I saw. I saw a girl, a girl the was smart independent, beautiful, fun, and didn't kick someone's ass every time someone pissed her off.

"Honey you look stunning." Mrs.Bair said to me.

"Thank you Mrs. Bair."

"Oh no honey you should know better call me mom or Nancy anything but Mrs makes me sounds old." I laughed and hugged her. A knock on the door made us break away from our hug.

"It's time to go Isabella." Jake said coming in with a Tux on.

"You look so cute." I cooed.

We got to the church and that's when the butterfly's started. My stomach didn't feel well and my hands were sweaty. The car in front of us held the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Then it was my turn my dad got out and then he helped me out.

"Don't let me fall."

"Wouldn't dream of it." I linked my arm through his and he led the way. When I saw Taylor I smiled the biggest smile. He put a hand on his knee and a hand over his eyes. When he stood you could tell people were crying at his reaction. I got to Taylor and kissed my dad on the cheek.

"I love you daddy." I whispered into his ear. I joined hands with Taylor and the priest began.

"We gather here to day to celebrate the bonding of Taylor Bair and Isabella Hail." I smile a little and wipe Taylor's eyes with my thumbs.

"Who gives Isabella Hail the right of marriage?"

"I do." My father stands up and says.

"Do you Taylor take Isabella Marie Hail to have and to hold through sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Taylor said with the biggest smile on his face.

"Do you Isabella take Taylor Duane Jr. Bair to have and to hold through sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride." Taylor took no time in taking one step closer to me and kissing the living day lights out of me. Tonight I went to sleep as Mrs. Isabella Hail.


Epilogue tomorrow I promise, goodnight and sleep tight. enjoy.

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