Chapter 10

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Wow you guys are amazing you have gotten me 124 reads with in a few hours. I can't sleep so here if your chapter.

I smiled up at him and smiled.

"Today I have to go to the doctors to see if my meds have made progress so they can remove the cancer." He nodded and smiled, he held me tighter and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Baby girl I am here do you no matter what happens baby girl."
We soon arrived at the hospital and walked in the building. I always loved the smell of hospitals, I don't know why but I do. I walked up and signed in before sitting down and waiting for my name to be called. twenty minutes later a lady came in and called my name.

"Isabella Hail." I stood up along with my mother, father, brother. and boyfriend. We all fallowed her back to the room I needed. I sat down on the bed. I heard the door open and the doctor walked in. He looked at me with a small smile.

"Hello Isabella, I am Dr.Carol I am here to test and see if you can have the surgery or not." I smiled and nodded. He took out a thing that looked like a shot but it was to take your blood. I closed my eyes, waiting for the needle to hit but it never did like needles. I opened my eyes to see the doctor havering a worried expression on his face.

"What is wrong Isabella?"

"Nothing, I just hate needles." He nodded and poked the needle in my arm talking out some blood.

"Ok I will be back in twenty minutes." We all nodded. He walked out and I laid back on the bed. Jake came up to my side and kissed my forehead.

"You ok baby sis?" I nodded but knew he wasn't convenient at all. The doctor came back twenty minutes later, he had a serious expression on his face.

"The results are good you can have the operation." I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. I smiled and hugged him.

"Ok so we will have to do it tomorrow so you have to stay the night tonight and the surgery will be tomorrow." I frowned but nodded.

"That is perfectly fine. The sooner the better." I nodded in agreement with my mom.

The set me up in a room and everyone left but Taylor. He wrapped his arms around around my waist and be fore I knew it I was fast asleep."


Short chapter now lets get 135reads

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