Chapter 20

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Okay so I will be writing two more chapters and a epilogue. Now I don't know if I should carry on with the story or just leave it as it is. Comment on what you think I should do. Okay so I am finishing the chapters today so enjoy.

~ Jakes POV ~

It was those words that had me out of my seat and sprinting down to my sisters room, it was just two words that changed my mood in the matter of seconds. 'She's awake'. It was like a song stuck on replay. I was so close to the door, I could see doctors filing in and out of the room, nurses carefully taking the tube out of her mouth and nose. I got into the room and sat down at a chair on the side of the wall.

"Jake." Said a small frail voice that broke my heart it was so weak.

"I'm right here." I said as I got up and walked over to the side of Isabella's bed.

"I kept my promise, or at least I tried." I smiled and nodded.

"Get some rest." she nodded and fell asleep soon after.

~two weeks later~
~Isabella's POV~

They are now signing the release paper for me to go home. They had to do some test to see if they had to do any surgery, in the good news my cancer it is gone well for now. I am in remission now but it could come back, I still have to take my meds and go through chemo and maybe even radiation treatment if they feel as if it is coming back.

"Isabella, you ready to go?"Jake asked from my door. I nodded and he walked in with a wheel chair.

"I can walk you know."

"Yes, but you are very much like our aunt Kenzie and would probably end up jumping up and falling, like she just did a few days ago." I started laughing at the memory. Taylor walked over to us and looked down at me what looked to be love in his eyes. I smiled and looked up at him.

"What are you staring at?"

"My beautiful wife to be." I smiled up at him with so much love I thought my soul was going to jump out of my chest.
Taylor pushed me to the car after my brother got grossed out and walked away. Taylor gently picked me up and put me into the car. My LEGS ARE NOT BROKEN PEOPLE! I thought in my head but let it go cuz it felt good being in his again arms.

We got home thirty minutes later, and before anyone could help me out of the car and carry me I got out and started running. I finally felt free, not trapped inside a room with white and the smell of cleaning supplies. I ran to the back of our house and to the grass. I stopped when I saw people standing in the backyard. The football team, people from school, friends, family,

"Welcome home Isabella!" Everyone screamed at the same time, at that point I had the biggest smile on my face no one could wipe off my face.

"Isabella!" Justin my cousin yelled.

"Ju ju!" I yelled back laughing as I watched him wince at the nickname I always called him. he picked me up and spun me around.

"Where's your dad?"

"Football." Was all I needed to hear before we both took off to were they were playing football. I was aired a pass, I weaved in and out of the boys jumping over them every time they tried to tackle me. I made a touch down a smiled.
I looked around and saw we had the attention of the whole party. They cheered and clapped.

"Isabella!" I turned around and saw my brother and Taylor looking at me with a pissed off expression.

"Yeah as you see about that, Bye." I said and took off as everyone else laughed. I ran into the house and up to my room hiding in my little area. I was a place in my closet, you remove a little board and there's a door that has stairs to it,go up the stairs and their is a medium sized area. You can go out side considering there is a balcony you can go out on but no one knows about it because there is a tree that hides the balcony.

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