Chapter 5: Foodfights and Limelights

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Charlotte's Pov

For school I put on a nice black blouse and light blue acid wash jeans. Then I put my hair in a bun, rubbed on some clear lip gloss, and ran down to the kitchen to grab a fruit. I slipped on my combat boots then left for Henry's house.

"Hey guys, what's poopin?" I asked as I busted into Hen's house.

"Hey cutie!" said Henry. I ran over and gave him a warm hug.

"Hey Char," said Jasper. "You guys ready to go?"


The school day seemed to drag on more than it usually did. It took years just for lunch period to come. Hen, Jasper, and I headed downstairs to the cafeteria. We sat at our usual table, with some of our other friends. For lunch there was Hamburgers and fries.

Our classmates and I were talking and laughing until Bianca and her friend Chloe walked over to us. "Uh... hello," said Henry. But they just ignored him. Bianca walked up and dumped her lunch tray on me. The burger patty landed on my shirt, and fries were all over my hair. Everyone in the cafeteria gasped. Then Jasper shouted "FOOD FIGHT!!!" That's when things got crazy. Everyone started throwing food at each other. I threw my salad at Bianca then RAN. I ran to the bathroom and got the food off of myself. That's when the tears started to flow. I heard banging on the door.

"CHAR! CHARLOTTE? YOU OKAY?!" It was Henry. I didn't answer. I just opened the door and collapsed into his arms.

"Char, it's okay."

"Hen, I'm fine. Come on, let's go back to the cafeteria." Henry wiped my tears and we walked back into the lunch room. That was a sad mistake. The food fight had gotten worse. Teachers were scattered all over the place, trying to calm the students down. Two minutes later we all heard the loud steps of the principal's designer shoes. That's when everyone rushed back to their seats and acted innocent. The cafeteria was now so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"WHO is responsible for all of this?!" yelled principal Dawson as she stormed inside of the lunch room. Everyone started pointing fingers at each other.

"FINE. Since none of you are owning up to your actions, ALL of you are cleaning up this mess. RIGHT NOW!"' So we were forced to pick up every bit of food that was thrown in the food fight. Surprisingly Bianca and Chloe didn't even get in trouble. When she walked by me, she mouthed these exact words: "Watch your back, Charlotte."


We had gym class right after lunch. The girls and I went into our locker rooms to change. I put on my red t-shirt and black sweatpants. I changed into my black converse and I fixed my bun. I put my things in my gym locker and walked out with my girlfriends. Bianca and Chloe were giving me the evil eye all day.

"Okay, kids. Today is the beginning of the track and field unit. We will be using the outdoor track," said our gym teacher, Coach Wallace. He led us all outside to the huge outdoor track. "I will assess your running abilities by making all of the girls race against each other and all of the boys against each other. Okay. Ladies first, come on!" YASSSS. I love track and field. I have this win right in the bag.


I quickly stretched and got into starting position. Unfortunately I ended up in the lane next to Bianca.

"ON YOUR MARK," I took a deep breath. Henry and Jasper started cheering for me.


"GO!!!!" I started off slow, but I managed to take the lead. Halfway through the race, Bianca "accidentally" bumped into me and made me fall. Whatever, I only ended up with a scrape on my elbow. I got back up, and ran like the wind. I took the lead back. And in the final sprint, I ran as fast as I could and finished in first. I was one of the only girls that actually finished the race. Almost everyone else dropped out. Oh well.

"Good job Charlotte!" shouted Coach Wallace. He gave me a pat on the back. I started to feel really dizzy. Wow, I must have over-worked myself. I don't know if I was hearing things, but I think I heard Bianca's annoying voice pestering me.

"You tired, Charrrrrrlotte?" She asked. I hate how she dragged out the Charrrrrr. That's when I felt ice cold metal strike the back of my head. I collapsed with a THUMP. The whole class came and surrounded me. Then everything faded.

Henry's Pov

I was chilling in gym class with my dudes until I heard a loud THUMP. I looked behind me, only to see Charlotte, passed out at the end of the track. I rushed over there with the entire class. I asked if I should call an ambulance, but coach Wallace said that Char was just overly tired. He called the school nurse. Eventually the nurse came and carried Charlotte over to her office. I hope my baby's okay...

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