Chapter 18: I did nothing to lose you

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Henry's Pov

Well, things just got awkward... "I DON'T LIKE WHEN PEOPLE'S LIPS MAKE CONTACT WITH EACH OTHER," Oliver said. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

"Why?" I asked.


"But dude, what if you get a girlfriend?!" Jasper asked.

"Yeah," said Char. "And if you get married, you'll have to kiss the bride."


"Okay, let's just play wazzle!" said Debbie. She was blushing fifty shades of red. It's as if she actually wanted Jasper to kiss her.


After the awkward game night ended, Jasper, Debbie, Sydney, and Oliver left. Char and I were left alone, and the sun finally finished setting. Char leaned her head on my shoulder and went on her phone. Then for some reason I started to get really drowsy. I eventually fell asleep with Charlotte in my arms.

Char's Pov

I raised my head, only to see that Henry has fallen asleep. Jeez, he must've been tired from making all those chili balls. I watched him sleep for a little while, then after that I grew bored so I turned on the Tv to watch Dog's Got Talent.


A few minutes later I left Henry's house. When I got home, I freshened up, put on my pjs, and chilled in the living room with my parents and my older sister.


(Skip to Monday)

Henry's Pov

For school I decided to wear my long- sleeved shirt with blue and grey stripes. I put on my normal blue jeans and navy blue vans. I brushed my hair, then I went downstairs to grab a bite. Then Charlotte walked into my house looking much prettier than usual. Her hair was curled, and she wore a blue California Tank top with denim shorts and black combat boots. "Hey," she said.

"Hello gorgeous," I replied.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah hold on," I said. "I'll be right back." Then I ran upstairs to get something that I forgot to take with me.


I headed back downstairs quietly, only to see Charlotte face-timing some dude. hid behind the couch and listened.

"Yeah? That would be awesome!" said Charlotte.

"Yeah! I like the sound of that," said the dude she was face timing. Then Charlotte giggled.

"But don't tell anyone. And I especially don't want him to find out." said Charlotte.

"Don't worry, it's our little secret," the guy said. Then he ended the face time. My heart shattered into pieces. Charlotte was cheating on me...

I couldn't bare to even look at her face anymore. I just picked up my bag and left. As I slammed the door, Char looked at me with a confused look. When I was about half-way down the block, Charlotte found me. "Uh... Henry, is everything okay?" she asked.

"My girlfriend cheated on me! How in the world could I be okay?!" Then her pretty brown eyes softened.

"Henry, what are you talking about?" she asked.

"I saw you face-timing that dude! And I heard that part when you said you didn't want 'him' to find out!" I said.

"First of all, the guy that I was face-timing is my cousin. And second of all, we were planning a surprise party for my dad's birthday. That's why I said I didn't want him to find out," said Charlotte. What a liar. I just ignored her and crossed the street. Then she dropped a piece of paper that she was holding onto the sidewalk and ran away.

Charlotte's Pov

Why does everything bad always have to happen to me? I never knew that planning a surprise party with my cousin is such a bad thing. They say that Karma comes around, but I did nothing in order for this to happen to me. I did nothing to lose him.


After school, I went home. Then I walked to Junk N Stuff and went down to the Man Cave. I had a container of onion dip with me for Ray and Schwoz to try.

"Hey guys, you want some onion dip?" I asked.

"There's no time for onion dip," said Schwoz. Then he muttered something under his breath.

Then I saw Ray(as Captain Man) come down one of the tubes. "Hey, want some onion dip?" I asked.

"Not now," he said. Then a sleeping Henry(as Kid Danger) fell down the other tube. Ray picked him up then placed him on some bed-machine thingy. Even though he probably hated my guts for something that I didn't even do, I was concerned about Henry.

"What happened to Henry?" I asked.

"Doctor Minyak zapped Henry with his Dream Beam. Now he's trapped in dream-like state."

"Doctor Minyak got out of prison?!" I asked.

"Yeah," said Ray.

"I have an idea!" said Schwoz. "You can go into Henry's dream, and scare him!"

"But, I'm not good at scaring people," I said. Then Schwoz gave me some green blob to put in Henry's fridge. Then I climbed onto the bed-machine thingy, and laid down.
(Henry's dream)
I literally fell into Henry's house. I ran and put the blob in the fridge. Then Henry came running downstairs. "What the jack are YOU doing here?" he asked.
"You know what?! I don't care. So much weird things had been going on. I don't have time right now for people I can't trust. Now excuse me!" barked Henry as he pushed me aside. Shoot. Still 5 more seconds for the blob to activate.
"Look, it's Kim and Kanye!" I shouted. Then Henry looked around, confused. 3-2-1, activated. When he realized that I had tricked him, he calmed down a bit. Then he went to open the fridge.
"Charlotte, I just can't believe that you---" as he opened the fridge, the blob turned into a dragon and scared Henry into passing out. I smiled in relief as Henry disappeared back into reality.
Henry's Pov (Reality)
I woke up groggily. The lying cheater was by my side, but still sleeping. Ray and Schwoz helped me up, and gave me some chips to dip in Charlotte's onion dip. Then Ray woke Charlotte up. She calmy arose, like sleeping beauty. She didn't talk to me or look my way. Good.
After work, I started walking home. That's when I spotted a crumbled invitation on the sidewalk. It was a flyer for... a birthday party? Ohmygosh! The surprise party for Charlotte's dad! Char didn't cheat on me. How stupid of me to ever think that. Dang.

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