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Your POV

The next morning I woke up early for training. I was surprised when I didn't see Peeta at the table for breakfast. About 20 minutes later, he entered the room with bags under his eyes. "Couldn't sleep?" I asked. "No. Not at all." " I could tell." He chuckled before letting out a yawn. He sat down and Haymich discussed how we should act in training the whole breakfast. We got on our training uniforms and headed down the elevator to training. When we got there the first one I noticed was Cato. We awkwardly locked eyes for a moment until I looked away. Peeta looked a little mad but I had no idea why. We started training and the instructor reviewed all the rules with us before we were set free. Cato kept staring at me which kind of creeped me out. Was I a target? Was he trying to intimidate me? I noticed that every time Peeta saw him stare at me, he glared and would mess up on whatever he was doing. Maybe he was mad that Cato was picking us out before the games even started. As I was throwing knives at a target, Clove walked up to me. To my surprise, she tried to make small talk. "Hey I'm Clove. Nice knife throwing." "Thanks. I'm y/n." "Nice to meet you! My partner Cato and I were wondering if you wanted to join us? You know, in the Career pack. We could really use a valid ally like you." "I'll have to think about that. I'm not sure if I could just abandon my partner like that." I glance over at Peeta who smiles back at me. "Oh yeah right. Well you let us know when you make your decision. We'll be waiting." She nudges my elbow and leaves. I decide to tell Peeta.

Peeta POV

"YOU WHAT?!" "Erm. I got invited to join the careers?" "Y/n it's a trap" I said practically pleading for her to stick with me. "What you think I'm not talented enough to impress them?" I ask genuinely offended. "No not at all! It's just-" "No. You think I'm not good enough so fine. We don't have to be allies." And with that, she stormed away and went over to the careers.

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