Final five

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Your POV

I needed at least ten stitches for the wounds Clive out in my arms. While Cato went hunting, Peeta got the medical supplies everyone had and tried to treat the wounds. We had enough stitches for only one arm which was fine. He stitched one arm and wrapped the other arm in a thick bandage. We didn't have much supplies for big gashes so it was the best he could do. Cato came back with three rabbits and two birds called Grooslings. We cooked them on hot rocks and ate. We all quickly turn around when we heard the risking of a tree. In the distance I saw a little girl jumping from tree to tree.


"What was that??" Says Peeta. "It was Rue. The female tribute from district 11" "Let's just leave her alone." Cato whispers. He didn't want the Capitol hearing him say that because they might force us to fight. Suddenly there's a scream of terror.


19 are dead and 5 are left. The scream sounded like Rue's which means the killer is nearby. It couldn't have been Thresh so that means it was Foxface. I wouldn't take her for the killing type but I guess she'd have to kill at some point. It becomes dark and the anthem plays. They show Rue's, Glimmer's, Marvel's, and Clove's faces. The Capitol seal then reappears. We all get into the cave and Peeta and I take first watch. When Cato falls asleep we start to talk about when we're going to have to abandon him. After all, they won't just let all three of us out of the arena. All of a sudden, Claudius Templesmith's voice starts booming over the arena. "Attention tributes. There will be a feast at dawn tomorrow. However, there will be a bag with your district number on it. Each bag contains something you need desperately. Go at your own risk." Cato wakes up from all the noise and we tell him what happened. I already know what's in our bag but I'm not encouraging Peeta to go. However, I know he will.

Peeta POV

Her medicine. The minute I hear it I know I need to go. There are only four of us and if y/n is gonna win, she needs to be in good shape. Cato goes back to sleep and I look at y/n. "No Peeta." I know she knows what I'm thinking. I've already devised a plan. I'm going for that medicine whether she likes it or not. I tell Cato about this plan while we're on watch and he comes up with a brilliant idea. "You and I will fake fight. Nobody else would dare come into the scene. You grab the bag and run off back to the cave with me chasing you. Got it?" "Got it. God I hope this works." "Me too."

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