The games

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Your POV

As soon as I hear the last boom I run to the cornucopia as fast as possible. I grab a dagger, two spears, a pack, and some medical supplies. The boy from district 5 comes running at me with a spear but Glimmer jabs a knife in his back. It's all super confusing with the booms of cannons. I can only think about if one of those cannons was Peeta's.

*boom. Boom. Boom. Boom*

Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven...



Half of us are already dead.

Cato POV

I grab y/n hand as me and the rest of the careers run into the right side of the forest. When she grips my hand back I don't know why I blush. I get weird butterflies in my stomach when she touches me.


We set up camp by a pond with fresh water. My sleeping bag is between Marvel and y/n. All of a sudden Clove spoke up. "Guys. Do you see that?" It was a tribute's fire. The perfect death trap. "Let's go get'm" said Marvel. Everybody laughed except for y/n and I but we just followed them. When we reached the girl she looked mortified. "No! Please don't kill me please!" Clove just laughed. "Sorry sweetheart. That's not how this game works." Clove stuck her knife in the girl's heart. She screamed bloody murder before the cannon boomed.

Peeta POV

I took Haymich's advice and ran to find fresh water. I found a river and set up camp near some rocks that formed a cave. I thought it was the perfect place. I set up my sleeping bag and put my pack against the rocks. I had ran to the cornucopia only to grab a small orange pack and then I bolted. I'm surprised I'm still alive. I then thought of y/n and my mind raced when the 13th cannon boomed.

Was it her? Is the only person I love and care about dead? If she is, there's no point in leaving the arena. I guess there never was anyway.

I suddenly hear footsteps and freeze. I look out the crevice of my cave and see the careers laughing about a kill. I'm livid when I see Cato holding y/n's hand with her head on his shoulder.

Didn't they just meet? Or did they...

At least y/n is alive and that cannon wasn't her. It's been about 4 hours so I decide to sleep.

Your POV

As soon as the girl was murdered I gripped Cato's hand. He didn't seem to be enjoying it either. I watched as Clove laughed with the others and it made me sick. I couldn't believe she enjoyed murdering an innocent person she had never even met before. I knew that if I broke her trust, it would mean immediate death. The only thing I prayed was that the careers didn't find Peeta. 

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