long lost pt. 3

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a/n hoping this is the last part aha

lil bit of french lol don't ask why i was bored and also i'm sorry if it's bad-

scarlett knocked on the door and colin and rose came to answer the door "MAMA" rose shouted jumping into scarletts arms, colin smiled then turned his gaze to the 3 girls. he locked eyes with hannah who gave a small smile and wave, colin was lost for words he looked at scarlett who had picked up rose and mouthed "is it her"
scarlett walked forward and said "yes it is" hannah followed until a little person hugged their arms around her legs, hannah looked down and smiled at rose who had attached herself to the older girl. "hi there" hannah said
she looked back at her friends who were laughing, rose let go and grabbed hannah's hand leading her into the living room hannah managed to kick off her shoes before she got far, her friends behind her scarlett and colin left alone by the door. rose had led hannah to the couch where a cartoon was playing on the tv. hannah sat down on the couch with her friends and pretended to watch the tv show when actually she was mainly on her phone. "what are you doing" came a small voice
"oh i'm messaging a few people"
"can i see" rose asked
"okay" hannah said
"wow you have a lot of friends" rose replied
hannah laughed
"where's your marrying ring?" rose asked
maddie and grace burst out laughing "yeah hannah where is your marrying ring, or does ben own it"
"leave me alone i don't like ben anymore, he rejected me because i asked him out at like 2am and he was sleeping so he left me on read, and i don't have a marrying ring yet"
scarlett said "who's this ben person"
"oh lordy, it's a long story"
"we have time"
scarlett sat down next to rose who instantly went and sat on her lap. "oh god, well like a year ago i had a crush on this boy at my swimming who's name was ben, okay i have to admit he was fit"
"true" maddie agreed
"maddie you literally said you didn't like him... okay anyways we had a sleepover and whenever we have those we eat many sweets and stuff, anyways then it got to around 2am and i made the impulsive decision to ask this boy out and obviously he was sleeping so yeah, so i asked him out over text and we went to sleep and then in the morning we got breakfast and during that he opened the message and left me on read, so i'm taking that as a no"
"how sad" maddie said
"yeah" scarlett agreed
"then he posted an inappropriate joke on his story and i no longer like him, and now they tease me about still liking him"
"do you guys want anything to eat or drink" colin said
"i'm good thanks" hannah replied
"no thanks" grace said
"no thanks col" scarlett said
"okay" colin replied
"well i'll show you where you will be sleeping"
scarlett took them upstairs and down a hallway to where the spare rooms are "okay take your pick" scarlett then walked downstairs to talk with colin "colin, i know this may be a little bit of a surprise but it's her, she takes a while to warm up to people so don't be sad if she doesn't immediately talk to you, she was kinda nervous when we first met"
"i'm so happy you've found her" colin replied

time skip~

hannah couldn't sleep, so she went downstairs as quietly as she could trying not to wake anyone up. to her surprise she saw scarlett getting herself a drink (OF WATER) probably before she went to bed. hannah walked in not saying a word, scarlett then said "why are you up"
"couldn't sleep" hannah said 
"what's keeping you up" scarlett inquired
"thoughts, i'm so tired tho" hannah complained
"yeah i sometimes get that, you wanna talk about those thoughts, it helps" scarlett said
"o-okay well i um i was wondering what was going on back where i'm supposed to be, and what i want to be in the future" hannah spilled
"okay what do you want to do"
"well i was thinking about an actress because it looks like a lot of fun but i don't know how i will remember lines or anything like that, so then i thought stunt double because that's cool and i have a skill set that could work for that, but then i- i don't know it's kinda dangerous and i'm not sure if you will allow it"
"me? why my approval" scarlett asked
"your my mother aren't you not?"
scarlett smiled and she said "yeah i am" she let out a small laugh, "and i say you can be whatever you want to be, but for now you need to get some sleep"
"but i'm not tired"
"you just said you were"
"well that was then, not now" hannah flashes a cheeky smile
"okayyy well as you and i stated earlier i am your mother and so i ask you to either watch a movie with me or go to bed" scarlett smiled back
"which movie are we watching?"
"u choose"
they sat down and watched a movie eventually hannah fell asleep and scarlett carried her to bed, scarlett was tired and she accidently fell asleep next to hannah. unfortunately hannah woke up again due to a nightmare, she realised scarlett was in her bed and was slightly startled but snuggled up to her nevertheless, this woke scarlett up and she asked "what's wrong"
hannah had tears down her face but kept quiet
"we can talk about it if u want too" scarlett said wiping away a tear with her thumb
hannah cuddled up to scarlett and they talked about anything and everything "do you know any languages?" scarlett said
"yes i know quiet an amount of french"
"can u teach me"
"o-okay, um well what do you want to know"
"maybe start with favourite colour"
"okay mon couleur prefere c'est bleu" (my favourite colour is blue)
"i'm guessing that was blue but whats red"
"okay so mon coooler prefer c'est rouge"
"close enough" hannah smiled and laughed lightly
"how do you say, you are very pretty"
"tu es tres jolie"
"tu es tres jolie" scarlett replied
hannah smiled and said "merci"(thank you)
she then got slightly sleepy and yawned which resulted in her snuggle into scarletts chest again. "je t'aime maman" hannah whispered (i love you mom)
"what does that mean"
"that's for me to know and you to try and figure out"
scarlett just smiled and kissed hannah's head, they both fell back to sleep peacefully.


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