chapter 11

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naoya zen'in

Arriving at Mina's home, they rang the bell just for no one to open the door. They were clearly home, they could see it, but why was no one opening the front door? "I am going inside." Naoya said, getting stopped by Kayo. "Are you dumb? No. Don't do such thing. They are newly weds, maybe they are, you know... Just leave them alone, we'll look through the window and if we can't reach her, I'll come another time."

Rolling his eyes, Naoya spoke, "I thought it had to be done today." "Yeah, well." She walked around the house to the window, just to see something shocking. Noaya was still standing at the front door, looking at Kayo, he saw that she was starting to slowly move backwards, her eyes wide and her mouth open. "No, no, no, no." She was constantly whispering to herself. "What is it?" Naoya walked to her, now doing the same thing as her, staring into their living room.

It wasn't something shocking, like someone murdering another, even that was common for a sorcerer but why-ever, Mina was getting beaten up right now. The tall man was yelling at her, slapping her. Mina was sitting on the floor, her face in her hands, crying, as if she was praying.

She indeed was praying, praying that no one would see her in this situation but her prayers weren't returned by god. Naoya walking inside the house while Kayo was standing behind him. "Mina?" "You should go, Noaya-sama. Please." "No, I won't go." Kayo didn't say anything, she was just standing and observing, trying to understand what happened, which wasn't that hard after all.

"You." Kayo stepped in front of the grey haired man next to her, pointing at the new husband. "What did the Zen'in clan do to you? Or your sister, mother, anyone?" Noaya wanted to keep her behind himself but Kayo refused. She had understood what was going on. The man waited a second before answering but quickly gave in. "My sister was a maid there. Apparently she wasn't good at what she was doing and got punished. She came back all beat up, hardly breathing." Turning her head to Naoya, Kayo scoffed. What an absurd family. She looked again at the man, who was towering over Naoya's older sister. "What did Mina d-"

"No, stop, you should go." "Mina, we're not going anywhere until you tell me what this is about." Noaya yelled at her. His yelling wasn't because of what she did, it was because of what his clan did to that maid. There was no reason for his clan to beat her up like that, he knew it. "There's nothin-" "I found out about something and she offered to do anything to keep my mouth shut."

Mina was staring at her husband. "Yeah, you were supposed to keep your mouth shut." She snapped at him, scoffing and turning her head to the side. "What did you find out?" Earning multiple glares by her, while Kayo was questioning the man, Noaya held onto his sister.

"She-" "Hm?" Kayo was looking into the eyes of the man. There was fear, no, just emptiness. He raised his head, which was facing the ground seconds ago, "She planned the execution of Toji Fushiguro."

Letting the man go, she slowly turned to Noaya, who had also let go off the person in front of him. "Mina, why?" That was the only thing Noaya could say, there was no logical explanation for this. "Mina, I thought you care-" "Of course I care about Toji. I do. But you know, my family always comes first, I needed to get rid of him so we could take care of Megumi."

"You want me to kill my cousin?" "Since when did you care about him, Noaya-sama? Please don't kid me." "I am not kidding you Mina. I have cared about Toji, I looked up to him. How can you all claim to know those things about me?" Seeing Naoya's struggle, Kayo decided to speak up, "Mina, why did you plan me into this? Why did you want me to kill Toji?" "Because it would be easier that way, Ieiri-san."

Slowly leaving the place, Noaya stood in front of the man. "Sorry for what happened to your sister." Turning to Mina while saying those words, he left, followed by the woman he came with. She was still multiple steps behind him, trying to catch up on the man, which was impossible because he had already vanished.

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