chapter 29

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naoya zen'in

"Naoya?" Kayo was staring at the ceiling, thinking about everything that had happened. Kenjaku, Toji, Shoko... and Naoya. "Kayo?"

"Do you want to get away from this place?" "What do you mean?" "You have a lot of time until you have your traditional Zen'in thing, would you like to spend that time together?" "Where would we go?" "I know a place? well better said, I bought a place the years I was gone. It's in a beautiful area, calm and with a few waterfall's and rice fields. It's a very silent place an-" "Sure." "You're sure? Can we go right away?" Naoya stopped for a second then nodded, "I'll be sending my father a letter that I won't be here and will not attend to the family gathering." Kayo just smiled and walked out of their bedroom to the kitchen, he set his priorities, she thought.


Clothes were quickly packed and much was not needed after all. Kayo left the house to Nika and took her way to the train station. While walking, she looked around, the city was beautiful, the place they lived in. As she looked again at the beautiful scenery, Naoya took her hand and smiled, she had never seen him smile like this.


"We're here!" The long walk from the train station was worth it, the new scenery of the woods and lights of the city was as incredible as she remembered. "Here it is." Kayo smiled towards the garden next to a shrine. She had built that shrine up for Toji, using it now fore Getou and Shoko too. Taking her husband's hand, her face full of joy, she walked him around, showed him the place and as the final of their day, they watched the night lights together.

Kayo forgot. She forgot about everything that happened. She forgot about the death's she had to deal with and cherished the moment she had with her husband.

Naoya remembered. He remembered old times from when he was younger, times where Toji was still with them, times when he wasn't the way he was now.

"How do you get groceries here? It's quite far away from the city." "There's a small village down the hill, they have all we need." She wasn't looking at him at all, just facing the city's night lights, having Naoya look at her. I didn't know how peaceful she could be, he thought to himself, changing his gaze from her to the view Kayo was looking at. Blue, red and purple lights were shining from every building in Tokyo. Everyone was in a rush while the time had stopped for both of them.

The time had stopped for both of them for six months under the house with the cherry blossom tree. Kayo wished to show Shoko this place once, a reason why she planted that tree, her younger sister's favorite. Not only that, every little thing on her property right there was full with memories and people. Kayo was only a little over 30 but she experienced more emotions, people and actions than anyone else has.

"How long are we going to stay here?" Naoya asked her, looking at her side profile. "How long until you have to leave for your traditional Zen'in thing?" "Around six months." Kayo turned her head to him now and smiled, "We'll stay for six months then."

Their night passed with talks about their future and hopes for their loved ones. Though one thing was not talked about, whether they were both safe and will get through those six months with ease.

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