Chapter 24

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Ricky's POV:

"So....who could it be?" I barely spoke above a whisper. My hands were trembling as I looked down at the ring on my finger, but it still wasn't glowing.

Everybody just stood in silence before Balz finally stepped in.

"Let me see the ring. If I have any sort of way to still use my all seeing eye, I'll use it." He spoke as I handed him the ring.

"Josh, that's too dangerous....are you sure?" Ryan Ashley placed a hand on her fiancé's shoulder with a concerned looks across her face.

Balz held onto Ry's hand giving her a reassuring smile and he nodded his head.

I handed Balz the ring which he took in his left hand and closed his good eye. He stood their silently bowing his head down and suddenly his hand began to tremble slightly. Balz's expression changed as he furrowed his brows tightly as if he were using immense force. I put my hand over my lips beginning to grow more worried for my friend. It was usually easy for him to use his powers but without his eye it looked nearly impossible.

Suddenly his eye shot open as he let out a loud gasp and the ring fell from his fingers. He crashed to his knees digging into the ground with his fingers before teaching over to take the ring back into his hand.

"Josh?" Ry whispered.

He was quiet for a moment before he stood back to his feet, ring still in hand and it began to glow a soft red tint.

"He's here....he's always been here..." Balz bit his lip before he lifted his head up to look at us. "Reita, can you lead us to Hyde's lair?"

The Japanese man nodded his head as he lifted his hands above his head. He swung them down to his side and in an instant he became a bat. He flew ahead of us leading us through the thick woods. I clung onto Ash's arm so I wouldn't fall behind as we rushed through the trees and shrubs. God, so much was going on at once. I wish Chris were here....he was always so brave and knew what to do. But now I had to be brave and do whatever I can to protect my family. Chris would've wanted me to.

"Oi, we're here." Reita called out before turning back to his human form and hiding behind a tree. We all got behind as well to see a dark castle in the distance. Typical villain lair.

"Knowing Hyde, he's going to have protection. I can already sense two people at the doors. They're both idiots so we need someone who can distract them." Reita stated.

We all fell into a silence for a moment before my ears perked up when I got a stupid idea.

"Ash and Dani. If they're idiots like Reita says you can easily distract them." I explained. The two girls looked at each other and then to the Japanese man who just shrugged his shoulders

"It should work, they're easy to distract."

The two girls finally agreed and we added to our plan set.

"After we sneak in, Jimmy, Balz and Ryan will help take down anybody else who's in the way, and the rest of us will find Hyde." I looked at everyone and they all agreed. Now we put our plan into motion. We all snuck around to the side of the building away from the front door and just as I suspected, two vampires came out holding rifles in their hands. Ash and Dani quickly stepped out in front of the two where one of them held his gun up to them.

"Chotto matte, they're just girls." One of the vampires held his hand up to his companion who slowly lowered his weapon.

Wow, they really are idiots.

"What brings you two lovely ladies here? You shouldn't be here." One smirked.

Ash and Dani played the dumb blonde routine and I almost let out a laugh as they did so. While they talked, Reita managed to pry open a window to the building and we all crawled through making it inside. Once we were all in, Jimmy and Ryan both snuck up on the two guys talking to the girls and both delivered a swift blow to the back of their heads knocking them out. The two girls smirked and followed us inside. It was huge, like a palace almost. But I didn't have enough time to admire the place before we heard footsteps marching towards us. Before I knew it there were 4 vampires in front of us all holding weapons in their hands.

R*A*T*S (Sequel To A*M*E*R*I*C*A)Where stories live. Discover now