Chapter 4

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~this one is dedicated to @lee_713 because their comments give me life😇

Chris' POV:

The next morning I was woken up by a loud crashing sound. I quickly shot up in my bed regretting it a bit as a sharp pain ran up my spin. I shook the pain away and saw Ricky was already looking out the window, his ears perked up. I stood up walking over, stooping down to stare outside.

It was still dark out, the sun barely peeking out from the horizon.

"What on earth was that?" I whispered. Ricky shrugged, keeping his eyes outside until he gasped.

"There's someone outside. On top of...Devin and the girls trailer." That's when I quickly rushed out the door, not caring if I had no shirt on. Ricky followed closely behind me and I stopped just as we approached the trailer. My heart stopped in my chest as I realized who was on top of the roof.

His eyes were glowing yellow as he quickly turned his head towards me and before I could get any closer, Angelo flew away. The commotion caused a few of the freaks to come out, including Devin, Ash and Dani who shared the trailer. Devin rubbed his hands over her arms, wearing nothing but a T-shirt and some shorts.

"W-whats going on out here? Chris?"

I turned to see Manson jogging over towards us.

"The...that...A-Angelo was here. He was on the roof of the girls trailer." Ricky stuttered. Everyone gasped looking at each other, talking all at once. Devin looked petrified, his face turning red as he looked over at the girls who put their arms around her.

"Okay okay, settle down now everyone. Looks like I'm going to have a word with Rob before his second show tonight. This kind of behavior is unacceptable." Manson growled. In all of my years of being with Manson, I have never seen him so angry. Ricky clutched tightly onto my side and I could feel him shaking slightly. It was chilly out, but I couldn't tell if he was shaking from the cold, or fear.

"Ryan, if you don't mind, could you stay in the girls trailer until breakfast? Just to be safe." Ryan nodded and with that, we were sent back to our trailers. Once Ricky and I were back in bed, he cuddled up next to me. I wrapped my arms around him, softly petting his hair.

"Chris? I'm scared like Hell. That demon...thing...whatever. What was he planning?" Ricky whimpered. I kept my eyes on the ceiling, slowly shaking my head.

"I'm not sure. But nothing good I can only assume. Don't worry, we'll take care of it tomorrow." I reassured my kitten who simply nodded. After a few moments of silence, I finally heard Ricky's soft purring indicating he was asleep. I closed my eyes, slowly drifting off as I listened to his soothing purrs.
~later that day~

"Alright guys, and ladies, tonight I'm going to go over to speak with Rob about the incident earlier this morning. Chris I want you, Ash, Balz and Francesca to come with me."

I nodded as I picked at my food, the others agreeing. But Devin chimed in.

"I wanna come too. I have a feeling Angelo was targeting me, so I should have a say in this."

Manson quickly shook his head at the young singer.

"No, absolutely not. If you come and something happens to you I won't be able to forgive myself."

Devin protested but soon gave up, sitting back in his seat. After we finished cleaning up, we went back to doing whatever chores had to do.
I asked Ricky to tag alone with me to go see Kuza and he agreed. We walked over seeing him with Mike and Francesca at the fire pit.

R*A*T*S (Sequel To A*M*E*R*I*C*A)Where stories live. Discover now