Chapter 18

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Devin's POV:(surprise!)

Darkness was all I could see.

Darkness was all I could feel.

Darkness was all I could remember.

It felt like I had been engulfed in darkness for a life time. I couldn't see anyone or anything around me. Silence. Not a sound. I tried to call out to anyone, but my own voice was silent. But slowly, slowly I began to hear a faint sound. Like the faint sound of a drum in the distance. Then I began to feel a slight pounding in my chest. My heart. I could hear my heart beating in my ears.


Who was that?

"..ake up....Devin!"

My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly which I regret because I hit my head against something hard. I laid back down holding my forehead with my hand and I felt someone placing their hands on my face. I narrowed my eyes at the bright light trying to make out who was in front of me.

"Are you okay?"

His voice. I rubbed my eyes with my hands before looking up to see familiar golden eyes.

"Angelo?" I slowly sat up being careful this time, Angelo holding onto my hands. This time I looked around trying to see where I was at and I noticed other cages around me. My friends. They were all in different cages across and next to me. Ash and Dani were in one across from me holding each other. Bill and Tom were next to them and Bill wasn't looking too good. He looked like he had been throwing up, his face was flushed, his eyes were red and teary.

"W-what's going on?" My voice came out raspy. Tom looked up with tears running down his face with Bill laying his head on his shoulder.

"We've been down here forever. I lost track of time." Ash sniffled.

"They took Ricky a long time ago. He's not back yet." Angelo hung his head. He was sitting against the cages wall, his wings being smashed against the metal bars. I furrowed my brows worried about the situation and I just flopped down to my knees.

"How are we going to escape? Who else is here?" I called out.

"Vic and his friends and Ryan are but they haven't woke up yet. Manson didn't make it down here." Dani covered her mouth at the last part.

"And we're here." My head turned to the cage on my right to see Kuza sitting down with Matt laying on his lap still asleep.

This can't be happening. Ricky is gone, Chris is against us and most likely dead, Manson is nowhere to be found. Who knows what Rob has done with them! I ran my hand through my hair trying to hold back the tears in my eyes. Everything we've worked so hard on was falling apart. I've been with Manson and the others for so long, he saved me from a life of drugs, sex and dirty money. They gave me a home, a family, something I never had even at such a young age. I just kept praying to myself that They were still alive and okay.


We all jumped in our seats when we heard a loud door being slammed open in the distance. The metal sound echoed through the dimly lit room and I suddenly felt fear. Like fear for my life and everyone else's. It was like we were trapped and about to be executed one by one. The sound of footsteps got closer and my heart started racing. I felt someone's hand grab onto mine and I looked to see Angelo smiling at me comforting me a little. I smiled slightly back before turning my head back to where the sounds of people were coming from.

From the shadows stepped in someone I wasn't expecting.

"Jimmy! I thought lost you!" Ash called out before standing up and going over to the door of her cage holding onto the bars. Jimmy held a finger up to his lips as he stepped over to Ash's cage holding onto the bars.

"They can't exactly hold captive the worlds strongest man. Especially when they have Remington guarding me." Jimmy chuckled.

Before I could say anything I heard a loud growl and bark. We looked to see Ryan awake and gripping onto the bars of his cage baring his fangs at someone standing nearby. It was a young looking Asian man with soft blonde hair wearing some kind of bandana covering the middle of his face including his nose.

The man held his hands up looking scared of Ryan.

"Chotto matte! I'm not here to hurt anyone." The young man was slightly hunched over almost cowering from Ryan's animal behavior.

"Stop! Easy now he's with me." Jimmy stood between Ryan and the man holding his arms out towards Ryan. The wolf man growled stepping back not taking his eyes off of the young man.

Reita looked nervous but took a deep bow towards us lowering his head.

"Konnichiwa. I am Reita Akira."

Ryan let out another loud bark gripping tightly onto the bars.

"He's a dirty fucking vampire! I can smell his blood!" Ryan snapped at Reita who just furrowed his brows in worry.

"Ryan, calm down just let him speak." I finally said something. I was looking at Reita and could see a genuine look in his eyes.

"First things first, let's get you guys out of here." Jimmy stepped over to Ash and Dani's cage prying the bars open surprisingly easy. The two leap out of the cage, Ash immediately jumping into Jimmy's arms hugging him. Jimmy helped the rest of us out including Ryan who looked like he was ready to pounce on Reita. I stood between the two giving Ryan a serious look, calming the wolf man down almost immediately.

"Reita, why are you helping us?" I asked calmly. The Japanese man nodded his head letting out a soft sigh.

"I....I hate Hyde and Kaz. They brainwash my friends and knew I wanted nothing to do with them. And as a way to keep me, Hyde disfigured me on the face." Reita lowered his white bandana and I had to hold back a gasp. His nose was completely gone. Actually most of his face was gone. He was a skeleton from his nose to his cheeks, I could poke my finger right through the gapes.

"Hyde promised to fix my face if I help him. I never meant for anyone to get hurt. Sumimasen." The vampire took another deep bow hanging his head.

The room was silent and I kept looking back and forth from Reita to my friends. They all had the same look of concern, even Angelo. But the half demon gave me a sweet smile and nodded his head before turning back to Reita.

"I believe him. I've been a performer by force my whole life, being exploited for my differences. I understand what it's like to be manipulated into a bad situation."

Jimmy nodded and held his hand out towards Ryan who just scoffed at him.

"We can beat this if we stay together. I want to save you and your friends as much as I can until my very last breath."

Ryan furrowed his brows together as he looked at the strong mans hand. In my head I kept begging for him to agree. Ryan took a look at me and I just smiled confidently, his face softening up as he sighed.

"Fine. For my friends I will agree. Also I just really hate the bastards." Ryan reached out to grab Jimmy's hand and we all cheered. Out of instinct I ran up to Ryan and gave him a big hug practically jumping onto him. I quickly pulled away to see a blush on his face and I immediately looked away.

"Come on. I know the way out. We don't have much time." Reita called out. With that him and Jimmy lead us through several dark passageways. Thank god they had some flashlights to lead the way.

This was it. I wasn't very strong, hell I was terrified. But Ricky needed us. Manson, Balz, Remington and Chris.... I saw him die right before my eyes, but I knew there had to be some way to bring him back. I just knew it. Somehow someway we will.

Even if it means fighting till my last breath.
Wow. So what do you guys think? Should they trust Reita? How are they going to defeat Hyde and his army? Could Chris really still be alive? Find out next week on Dragon Ball- I mean R.A.T.S

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