Chapter 22

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Ricky's POV:

"I can sense people nearby. It's hard to tell who they are though."

Balz and I were currently wandering through the circus grounds for what felt like hours just trying to find any sign of life. In the distance I could see Hyde's mansion and I kept praying we wouldn't run into any of his minions.

"I can hear noises but I don't know..." I paused when Balz suddenly stopped in his tracks and lifted his head up. I stopped just behind him, my ears laying flat against my head.

"I sense....something, its someone familiar.." Balz gasped loudly and took off running so I quickly ran after him as fast as I could. We ran through the empty tents before we ended up in the big top where I saw a familiar group of people. My eyes widened when I saw my friends standing there, alive and well.

"Ry!" Balz called out.

We ran up to the group and the first thing I immediately did was run into Ash's arms. I felt her and Dani wrap their arms around me and I just felt myself melt. It felt so good to be this close to them again, it felt like I havent seen them in forever.

"Ricky! Thank goodness you're okay! Where have you been?"

"We were so worried about you! You're not hurt are you?"

Both Ash and Dani bombarded me with questions and I pulled away not noticing I had tears in my eyes.

"I'm fine. But we've gotta stop Hyde. He's insane!" I blurted out.

"We know, but it's okay we've got inside help." Ash pointed over to a young Japanese man who I instantly recognized as one of Hyde's vampire companions. He stepped forward going towards Balz who had Ryan Ashleys hands in his.

"Oh Joshua....your eye...." Ry reached up to touch his cheek.

"He took it didn't he...because he knew of your powers to forsee the future. Hyde knows there's a chance of failure for his plans." The vampire stated. He looked over at me and I could see half of his face was covered with a white bandana.

"But we cannot fight him. Even with me or Jimmy, he can defeat us all. We need to get him where it hits him deeply."

"Who are you?" I asked out loud. It seemed rude but he was a vampire who was by Hyde's side. Im surprised they took him in, especially Ryan.

"Apologies, my name is Reita Akira. And yes, I am a vampire who was brought under Hyde's wing. But I hate him. He ruined my life, and my face." He pulled down his bandana and I was taken aback from the missing parts or his face. My heart dropped and I knew he was telling the truth.

"So what can we do to stop him?"

Reita folded his arms across his chest and tapped his finger against his chin. After a few moments of pacing he finally spoke.

"A long time ago Hyde fell in love with a woman when he was still mortal. After she died he laid at her grave and the devil turned him into a vampire.  In another life he was reunited with his love but she had no memory of him and she was to wed with another man."  Reita paused as he moved his eyes towards me.

"Even after he saved her life, she was married and Hyde lived in solitary along with Kaz who seemingly appeared from nowhere. And his love eventually grew old and died."

We all remained quiet as Reita told this story and my heart felt heavy with every word he spoke. It made my mind go back to the final words Chris told me before he.....

In another life.....

But would I ever meet him in another life? I didn't even know if his body was anywhere to be found. Hell I couldn't even visit him or lay at his grave. I had no idea where he was at or was gonna be at....


I bit my lip hard poking them with my sharp canines not being able to take everything in. Was this what Chris felt this whole time? The stress, the pressure, feeling like he had to solve everybody's problems? No wonder he let his mind go blank...But I can't let Hyde win. I had to figure out how to stop him and the rest of the vampires from taking over humanity.

"One way we can stop him for sure would be if we found his loves next descendent. It might be difficult but one way to find them is if they radiate the same energy. Hyde should be stopped. But we have to work together." Reita stated. We all nodded in agreement and got to work on a plan.

"So why did Hyde kidnap me? I'm not the girls descendent am I?"

Reita shook his head as he reached for something in his pants pockets.

"No, he only did that to lure you all, and to take total control of Chris. Something you didn't know about Chris is he has vampire blood. Only half, but very rare so Hyde had to have him."

My eyes widened at his words and I heard a few gasps from the group. Chris....was...half vampire? It all made sense now....but he's dead now....

I felt myself about to break down again but I fought back the tears and clenched my fists together. Chris wouldn't want to see me crying or feeling weak. I had to be strong for Chris, for everybody here. I took a deep breath in and out before speaking in a louder voice.

"I know it's a difficult time but right now we need to be strong and stand the fuck up against Hyde and his goons. Manson wouldn't want to see us fail, Johnnie wouldn't want us to fail, and Chris especially wouldn't want us to fail. Reita, how can we find the descendent?"

The blonde vampire pulled something from his pocket and held it out. It was a silver ring.

"I managed to steal this from Hyde's room. One thing he told us is that if the ring glows when the wearer has it on, then they are the descendent. All we have to do is figure out who it is and stop Hyde. It's our last hope. So everybody here has to try it on."

Ash volunteered first but lucky for her, it didn't glow. One by one everybody slipped the ring on, not getting anything yet. It didn't even fit Ryan's claw like fingers. I was the last to go.
I held my hand out quickly so Reita could slip the ring on. I held my breath as he did and I could feel my heart pounding against my ribcage. I would do anything to bring Chris back, and to have all of us live our normal lives again. Even if it meant being a slave to Hyde. But Reita said that the only person who could stop Hyde would be his past lovers descendent. No matter what happens, I'm willing to sacrifice everything I've worked for, especially if it could bring Chris back.

The ring slipped perfectly on my finger and we all waited in anticipation for a few seconds. I let out a small gasp and my fingers were shaking.

What would my future be?....

A LOOOONG awaited update I know. Hopefully it was worth the wait. Im currently updating two stories right now, this one included. We're almost at the end of this story and I just want to thank everybody who has supported me for all of these years. I know 2020 has been rough, but we make due with what we have. And I couldn't ask for a better fan base on here. Hopefully 2021 will open up more for us who are concert hungry, work deprived, etc... but in the meantime, please practice social distancing and stay safe out there my Purdys.

R*A*T*S (Sequel To A*M*E*R*I*C*A)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum