Chapter 26

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Chris' POV:

My hands.... my hands so cold.

Everybody around me.....seem so familiar.

Why are they all crying?

My vision was red, blood dripped from my lips as I looked down to the humans. They were all surrounding the small cat boy weeping. But why? Hyde said they were evil and wanted to kill vampires like us. I ran my tongue over the fresh blood on my lips and fangs instantly feeling a wave of ecstasy flow through my body. His sweet....and so....familiar.

I knew the kitten would die soon. There is no point for them to cry. As I was about to turn away, I heard the small boy whisper something under his dying breath.

"In....another life..."

My eyes widened at this sentence and I suddenly felt a strange sensation in my chest. My face

"Warm..." I mumbled to myself.

"Kaz, bring me the kittens body now!" Hydes voice was like honey to me. But now it was more like nails on a chalk board. Nothing soothing at about it at all.

Kaz approached where the smaller boys body laid but his friends would not budge. But when he managed to pick up the dead boy, something in me felt uncomfortable. I didn't like seeing another person's hands on the boys body. But....why........why do I feel like this? Backing away from from scene I went back over to Hyde who had the boy laying at his feet.

"Now, as for the rest of you." Hyde chuckled. "I will see to it that you will not see another day. Hokaku!"

With that the other vampires began their attack on the others. I followed suit but in the process I kept feeling that strange sensation in my body when I tasted his blood....Like something inside of me was yearning to escape. Something about him was familiar. But what why was that?

Something managed to hit me on my leg snapping me from my thoughts and I looked to see it was the girl with red and black hair. She was kicking and punching at my leg but it wasn't hurting me. Instead I instantly began to feel angrier, my vision becoming red again. I let out a growl before knocking her over with my leg with almost no effort and she went crashing to the floor. Another girl who looked similar to her ran up to her and she was also quick to try and fight me. But just like her friend I was able to knock her over easily.

"Chris, snap out of it! Why are you doing this to us!?" She shouted.

But something inside me didn't feel right. The color came back to my vision and I observed the scene. Hyde's vampires were attacking the kittens friends. Gun shots rang through the room. Everyone was fighting like animals..

"Chris! What are you doing? I said attack!" Hydes voice rang through my ears, but I didn't respond. Instead I looked back at him to see he had the small cat boy in his arms softly caressing his raven hair. Seeing this enraged me somehow. Seeing another person touching that boy in such a way made my eyes turn red.

Instead of just going up to him and snatching him away from Hyde, that sharp pain pulsed through my body again causing me to hiss under my breath. I gripped onto my head as the pain got worse and let out a loud growl shutting my eyes. My chest felt tight, and it felt like somebody was stabbing me in the chest with a red hot poker. Falling to my knees I opened my eyes to see Kaz was now standing in front of me, his lips were moving but I couldn't hear his words. Everything was red, blurry......the only thing I could hear was a strange sound pounding in my ears. What......was....

Was this my....heart beating? was it possible?

My eyes were drawn to Kaz who was in front of me, but his eyes were....glowing. Not the usual red like the other vampires, but while everything else was red, his eyes were the only thing glowing purple. His face was calm as usual, but he raised his eyebrows briefly as if he knew what I could see. Kaz stood up lifting a finger up and reaching over to poke my forehead. Suddenly my head was over flowing with memories. I screamed as every image passed within seconds.


Names and memories invaded my brain and after what felt like forever a new memory appeared. It was dark, quiet, I was standing outside in the middle of a wooded area with a full moon above my head. I observed the scene until I saw a figure moving in the shadows. I quickly hid behind a tree to not be seen by the person as they walked closer to me. As I squinted to get a better look I noticed I was seeing Hyde. But he looked a bit younger than usual, dressed in an elegant Victorian suit and a tired look on his face. One of his eyes were covered by bandages and there was some blood caked on it. In his hands he held a bouquet of white and red roses wrapped in black tissue paper. He went past me like he didn't even sense my presence.

I quietly followed him until I see him approach a small grave hidden by some branches and leaves. Who could it be? Hyde kneeled down on the ground setting the flowers by the tombstone before I heard him say something.

"Even now your decendant rejects me....what more can I do to have you back in my life? What must I do to have at least a piece of you back?" His voice shuddered as if he were freezing. I debated on approaching Hyde but something inside me told me not to, so I kept observing from afar.

"You sent someone to keep me hidden after the accident and bandage me up....but who was it you Devil?" Hyde growled the last part tilting his head up to the sky. The chilly night wind blew gently, leaves crinkling against the cold ground, and the dead trees swaying about. A frustrated Hyde then stood to his feet seemingly ready to walk away but abruptly stopped in his place. He stared at something just ahead of him and that's when I saw the familiar face of Kaz standing in the darkness of the woods.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Hyde hissed through his fangs. Kaz slowly stepped out of the darkness, he looked so much younger than I remember.

"My name is Kaz. I'm the one who saved you from the accident. I was sent by....him." the vampire had his hands by his sides as he gave Hyde a bow.

"Why would you save me from being discovered?" Hyde asked cautiously as Kaz stood back up straight.


My eyes widened as I was suddenly pulled away from the memory and was brought back to reality. Kaz still stood in front of me and he raised a curious brow at me but stepped back away from me. I slowly lifted a trembling finger pointing at him.

"It''t it?"
Wow, 2 updates at once! I am back at my game! No more long breaks, no more procrastination and no more letting problems stop me from doing what I love which is writing. I hope I still have some loyal readers and new readers still keeping up with me! I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for baring with me through these times. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe<3

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