Chapter 11

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A/n: let's just appreciate this lovely gif of Chris giving us hungry sexy eyes. You're welcome.
Ricky's POV:

After the show, one of the samurai guards lead us over to where the back stage area was. There we were greeted by the familiar smile of Skrillex. Even though I've seen him before, I still fan girled inside still not believing he was here in front of us.

"Hello, you guys can just go right ahead to the casts tent." Skrillex smiled and Manson thanked him as we made our way to the back. I smiled shyly at the young dj who just winked and I swear my face was a tomato. I felt Chris squeeze my hand making me look up to him but he was looking forward. My brows furrowed as I examined his face but he had no expression. Just a blank face. I've never seen Chris act like this before. It's not like him to just freeze up or be emotionless.

We went into the tent and were greeted by non other than Rob and his wife Sheri.

"Ah, welcome everyone. I do hope you all enjoyed the show tonight. It was our most special one yet." Rob was grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes, well I'm still trying to figure out why our Remington was in your show tonight." Manson folded his arms across his chest staring daggers at the ring leader who just kept smiling.

"Oh Manson, it was just for the night. We needed an extra contortionist for tonight and he agreed to help." Rob stepped towards Manson who didn't flinch as his rival glares up at him.

"Even if he chose to join us permanently, would you really blame him?" Rob smirked. I could see Manson was biting his tongue as he stared down at Rob, the two looking like hungry lions ready to fight. My ears perked up as I heard steps coming towards us. I turned my head to see it was Dahvie and Jinxx.

"Yes?" Rob spoke as he turned on his heels to face his two crew members.

Jinxx leaned up to whisper something in Rob's ear and whatever he said must've set off Rob.

"He WHAT!?" My eyes widened a bit at Robs sudden outburst. The ringleader cleared his throat keeping his composure as if nothing happened . He turned back to Manson with a wide forced smile and I noticed his fingers were gripping tightly onto his cane.

"Well, seems as my little spawn of Satan has somehow ran away to the circus. And it's not mine." His voice went low and his smile dropped as he spoke the last part. Manson didn't say anything as Rob pushed past him, his wife still clutching around his arm as the two walked out of the tent. Manson rolled his eyes a bit.

"Stay put. I'll be back." And with that he walked off in the same direction as Rob.

"So, did you all enjoy the show?" I glanced over to see Hyde and Kaz standing in front of us side by side. Hyde had a smirk on his face, one of his fangs slightly poking out from his lips. Kaz stood firmly with his arms crossed as he glared at us all. Especially at Ryan.

"It was fine." Chris said as he picked me up holding me like a baby with my legs on his sides.

"So, seems as if our devil went to conquer your little angel." Hyde chuckled softly, his eyes flashing red for a bit as he kept glaring up at Chris.

"How can you be so sure he's at our camp?" Ryan growled. I could see his eyes glowing yellow as he stared daggers at the two vampires, especially Kaz. Kaz just smirked narrowing his eyes at the wolf man.

"What you looking at gaijin? Baka jiji."

"What did you say you bastard!?" Ryan suddenly lunged at Kaz who did the same but Hyde and Kuza stood between the two before they could collide. I hopped down from Chris's arms standing behind Kuza, facing Kaz and Hyde. Hyde gazed down at me looking deep into my eyes before a small grin formed across his lips.

"Eyes so pretty. But very foolish. You need to watch your place kitty cat." His words sent shivers down my spine but I kept my ground doing my best to not show fear. But inside I was afraid.

"Chris, everyone let's get going now." I heard Manson speak. Chris placed a hand on my shoulder as he pulled me away from the vampires, Manson doing the same with Ryan. Rob told his wife to stay behind with the others and called for Jimmy, Jinxx and Kaz. But Jimmy didn't turn up.

"Where the hell is Jimmy?" Rob growled as he gripped tightly onto his cane.

"We don't know. He's not on camp either." Jinxx mumbled the last part. Rob let out a deep breath as he kept his composure.

"Kaz, fly ahead and see if you can spot Angelo or Jimmy. We'll be catching up with you." Rob shooed away Kaz who nodded before turning into a bat and quickly flew off. Manson lead us all back to our van, the arena now completely empty and dark. Rob and his gang piled up into their own van following behind us as we drove through the city.

As I rested my head on Chris's arm, one thing kept running through my mind.


He suddenly disappears and not even Jinxx or Dahvie can track him. Is it possible he went to our camp? But why would he..

That's when it hit me.

"Devin.. he's looking for Devin!" I half whispered. Chris looked down at me burrowing his brows. Kuza And the others looked back at me.

"That's true... He's always had a fascination for Dev.." Kuza looked back at Manson who was still driving but now with a look of consideration.

"You're right..."

Oh no... Devin..

R*A*T*S (Sequel To A*M*E*R*I*C*A)Where stories live. Discover now