Chapter 8

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Ricky's POV:

The next morning I woke up and stretched across the bed when I realized Chris wasn't there. I looked out the window and the sun was barely peeking out of the horizon. Hopping off the bed, I went to the bathroom doing my business before slipping on a black hoodie and opening the door to be greeted by a cool breeze. I shivered, the hair on my ears and tail standing on ends.

I yawned softly as I looked around outside seeing Chris sitting by the pit with Manson and Alex. Oh shit, they're actually talking. I silently walked over to the three seeing Alex had tears in her eyes.

"What's going on?" I asked curiously. Alex looked up at me with a smile.

"Manson says I can go see Johnnie! And I leave today!" She squealed. I chuckled as the young girl jumped around giving me a big bear hug and I couldn't help but hug back. Chris smiled at us and so did Manson.

"I'm so happy for you Alex!" I pulled back to look at her smiling face. Her bright eyes were gleaming with joy and I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

"As are we. Alex I know you're an adult, but I would still prefer if you go with someone older who can keep an eye on you. I wouldn't want you getting lost or hurt. So I'm sending Richie and Francesca with you. Your bus departs at 6pm so I'll have a cab ready for you three at 5pm."

Alex nodded, her smile never leaving her face as she skipped back to her cabin most likely to pack.
I sighed softly as I watched the girl skip away before looking up at Chris. Manson excused himself.

"Thank you Chris. It means a lot to Alex and I. And I'm sure Johnnie too."

Chris smiled leaning down far enough to plant a kiss on the top of my head until he hissed in pain. I furrowed my brows giving him a concerned look as he rubbed his back with his hand.

"Chris? What's wrong? Does it hurt?" My hands reached up to hold his hand but Chris just shook his head forcing a smile.

"No I'm fine. I just slept on it wrong is all babe. " I was going to keep prying but I brushed it off and we both went to go have some breakfast. When we got to the tent, we were greeted by the smell of deliciousness. Everyone else was already in line grabbing their plates and sitting down at the table. Chris and I went up to the line to be greeted by Ryan Ashley and Balz who were helping serve the food.

"Well good morning sunshines!" Ryan beamed a bright smile at us. Balz smiled at us as he handed me a plate of eggs, toast a fruit cup and some bacon. I inhaled the delicious scent of the food and my stomach reacted by growling loudly.

"We heard Alex is going to go see Johnnie today. She must be excited." Ryan Ashley giggled. I furrowed my brows as I looked up at Chris then back at the couple in front of us.

"How do you know that? We just found out not too long ago."

Balz chuckled as he handed Chris his plate.

"I'm kinda a mind reader. Plus, Alex skipped in here not too long ago telling the girls." The fortune teller nodded his head and we turned to see Alex jumping around with Ash, Dani and Francesca. I smiled at them as they went by us probably going to help Alex pack or something.

Chris and I took a sear beside each other, in front of the twins.

"Well you two are looking good." Chris smiled at the twins. Bill nodded wrapping an arm around his brothers shoulder giving him a side hug. Chris and the twins were lost in conversation when I heard someone sit next to me and I turned to see it was Mike. He turned his head to look up at me with a shy smile and I couldn't help but admire at how cute he was. Well I mean of course he's cute, he looks almost exactly like me.

"Good morning Mike. You sleep okay?" I asked the younger guy as he picked at his plate quietly. I raised a brow as I took a bite of my bacon.

"You okay?"

Mike didn't say anything, instead he glanced over to his right where Kuza sat next to him. Chris' younger brother smiled brightly as he kissed Mike's cheek who just blushed.

"Morning babe. You didn't say anything did you?" He almost whispered the last part. Mike shook his head quickly as he smiled up at his partner and the two shared a brief peck on the lips. Now I was very confused.

"No secrets here Kuza." Bill chimed in unexpectedly. The twins smiled mischievously, Tom pointing at the couple with his fork.

"Now spill it."

Chris joined in poking at his younger brother until Kuza finally cracked.

"Okay okay calm your giraffe tits." Kuza rolled his eyes chuckling as he stood up from his seat. He cleared his throat and everyone sitting around us got quiet as the attention was now on Kuza. Everyone was here.

"Well as you all know, Mike and I have been together for 3 years officially. But I've known this wonderful man for 6 now." Kuza paused as he glanced down at Mike who was a blushing mess, covering his lips with his long sleeves.

"And I know I wasn't the best partner for the first few years, and I'm still so sorry for it Mike. But I love you and I want to spend my life with you. Forever and a day." At this point everybody was on the edge of their seats including me waiting for Kuza to continue. But he didn't say anything. Instead he took Mike by the hand making him stand up and the two giggled as he rolled up the smaller boys sleeve.

A few gasps went around when we noticed the shiny gold ring around his finger. Immediately we all began to congratulate the couple getting up to hug them. Chris was the first to jump up and wrap his long arms around his younger brother spinning him around. The two laughed together as Chris set him down, resting his hands on his shoulders.

"I'm so happy for you both." Chris smiled and I could see some tears threatening to escape his eyes. Kuza smiled back up at him holding onto his arms.

"Thank you. And Chris for the wedding, I want you to be the best man?" Kuza said but sounded more like a question. Chris just nodded wrapping his arms back around his brother, everyone else clapping their hands.

"So if Chris is the best man does that make Ricky the maid of honor?" My face felt hot at Bill's words, making everyone laugh. I rolled my eyes just as Mike swung his arm over my shoulders.

"Well, as much as I love you Ricky, I've already decided who I want my maid of honor to be. "

Thank God. I was not about to be caught dead in a dress.

"Who?" I asked curiously. Mike looked around before his eyes landed on Devin who was sitting diagonal from us. Devin glanced around before looking back at Mike pointing at himself.


Mike nodded and Devin smiled widely going around the table to hug the smaller guy. Everyone began talking about the upcoming wedding asking the couple question about the theme, music, venue etc... During the conversation, I caught a glimpse of Chris who was staring deeply in my direction. He winked at me holding his ring finger and my face felt warm and was probably red.

"Hey, anybody seen Rem?" Ryan spoke up over everyone. I scanned around not realizing till now that Rem wasn't at the table. Ash and Dani agreed to go check his trailer but Balz let out a loud gasp catching our attention. He had his eyes shut tightly for a few seconds shaking his head slightly. He slowly opened his eyes looking around at each of us.

"What is it Balz? What did you see?" Manson furrowed where his brows would be.

"He ran away. He's not on camp grounds."

Wow what a plot twist! Sorta. But anyways, just giving you guys a little filler until we finally get to the big plot! What happened to our favorite vampire king?

Hope you're all enjoying it my Purdy readers. Let me know your opinions down in the comments and feel free to shoot some ideas for the next update.

(Picture is Jake Munro, night singer)

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