Chapter 25

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Ricky's POV:

No....n-no it can't couldn't actually be him.

"C-Chris?" I repeated again, but he didn't say anything as he walked over towards Hyde and stood next to him. His face was monotone as he didn't express any sort of emotion. 

He looked the same but something about him was also different. He was shirtless and had what looked like blood running down his body. That's when I noticed he had a crown of thorns on top of his head and he was bleeding. I covered my mouth and heard a few gasps behind me. Chris' eyes suddenly glowed red as he fixed his sights on me.

I froze.

"Whats wrong neko baby? Don't you wanna say hello to your lover?" Hyde smirked as he held his hand out to point towards Chris.

I slowly shook my head as I kept observing this tall man who I couldn't believe was Chris.

"Chris! Snap out of it! What are you doing?" The shouts of everyone behind me rang through the room but Chris didn't budge. His eyes were fixated on me, but they weren't the same. I didn't see any sign of love, sympathy, or kindness. Not anymore. All I saw was evil, just pure evil.

"Chris, seems like your friends want to say hello to you. Why don't you go down there and give them a proper welcome." Hyde growled the last part as he lifted his arm and pointed a sharp nailed finger towards us.

Before any of us could react, Chris suddenly lunged towards me. Next thing I know I was pinned to the floor by my throat. Chris gripped my throat tightly and I started kicking my feet around, grabbing at his wrists, trying to pry his hands away from me. But it was no use. The grip around my throat was almost un-human, like some unhinged demon just crushing my esophagus. My vision started to blur and my grip on Chris' wrists loosened.

This was it, I was going to die. My life began flashing before my eyes. I saw the circus, the smiling faces of all of our fans cheering and applauding us. My new found friends and family. The time I was kidnapped, the torture I was put through by Kuza and his friends. Every hug and kiss and laughter I shared with Chris. And just as my vision began to fog, I saw one last vision. A cold night, darkness surrounding me, and the sounds of a harsh storm just pounding around me. Rain would make its way inside and made me shiver and cry out. It felt like I was in that storm for days but it couldn't have been longer than a few minutes. And suddenly the top to my box was opened and I see a tall shadow lingering over me. It was the man who would forever change my life. And as he carefully picked me up, I felt his warmth and knew I had found my forever home.


"" I breathed out, his hands loosening from my throat. A loud gunshot rang through the room followed by a few screams. I strained my vision as I tried to roll over to my side to see what the commotion was about and I saw Chris had fallen back holding onto his chest. There was a bullet wound on the right side of his chest, blood running down his body.

I looked back to see Vic and his friends all holding up guns in their hands pointing towards us.

"Baka!. I told you to kill them off Riku!" Hyde growled as he stepped towards where Chris lay bleeding out.

As I attempted to catch my breath, my eyes were drawn to where Chris lay. He slowly got up clutching onto his wound and removed his hand. My eyes widened as I witnessed the bullet hole slowly closing up and healing itself. The sickening sound it made was enough to make my stomach turn. The taller man swiftly got back onto his feet just as Hyde stepped next to him.

"Enough of these foolish games! Capture them all and see to it that they no longer see the light of day!" Hyde shouted with anger, pointing a long nailed finger at us.

Hyde's vampire minions lunged forward passing by me. Screams could be heard echoing through the mansion as well as a few gunshots. I didn't dare turn around, too in shock to even move. It was as if my body was suddenly paralyzed preventing me from moving. The screams and gunshots slowly became a high ringing in my sensitive ears as my my began to black out.

"As for you my pet." Hyde's hand was suddenly around my neck snapping me out of my blank thoughts and he lifted me with almost no hesitation using only one hand. His sinister eyes were glowing a furious red as he practically stared into my soul.

"I will make sure you don't escape my clutches again." Hyde chuckled deeply, his grasp on my throat tightening. He clenched his fangs, grinding them together as he squeezed esophagus with such force, I swear I thought he would snap my neck.

"Let's see which one of your friends we should turn into one of us." Hyde hissed in my ear. My eyes widened as he said this and I started to kick around to escape his grasp.

"D....d..on' th...m." I struggled to speak. Hyde looked down into my eyes with his glowing red ones and I had no choice but get stare back. They were like pools of blood, a faint glow of red-orange surrounding the pupils. When he smirked I could see his pearly white fangs poke through his lips.

"Chris, why don't you start with the fortune teller. Make sure he never sees the future again!" The vampire shouted the last part.

I heard a loud cry and managed to move my head enough to see Chris storming towards Balz while Ryan Ashley attempted to protect him. Vic and his friends had their weapons up but were suddenly ambushed from behind by the other vampires including Rem. They dropped their weapons.

I need to figure out a way to stop this!

My mind was in a frenzy as my vision began to blur from lack of oxygen. Balz stood in front of Ryan Ashley despite her protests and Chris suddenly had him by the front of his shirt. The room began to spin as Chris slowly lifted Balz off of the ground, the fortune teller not attempting to escape. He was willing to sacrifice himself for the ones he loves. Ry was trying to reach out to him but Ash and Dani had to hold her back so she wouldn't get hurt too. All I could hear were the cries and screams coming from the woman and I shut my eyes tightly turning my head back towards Hyde.

Fine, I'll play dirty too.

With the energy I had left I swiftly lifted my leg up kicking Hyde right where it hurts and just as expected he let go, rolling over in pain. I managed to catch my breath and quickly scurried over to where Chris held Balz. Chris had his fangs bared and I knew he was about to take a bite out of Balz's neck.

"NO!" I screamed out as I jumped as high as I could knocking Balz out of the taller man's grasp. A sharp pain intruded my shoulder and ran down the rest of my body in an instant. I let out a painful cry as I felt Chris's fangs dig deeper into my shoulder and my body started to tremble. It felt as if I was going to pass out. My body was going numb, my lips felt cold, and my vision began to turn red. The taller man then pulled me away and dropped me to the ground with a flop. I lay there, feeling my body shutting down and all I could hear were the cries of my friends calling out to me.

"Ricky! Ricky please get up!" I recognized Dani's voice. I felt some hands on my side and I was turned over on my back. I pried my eyes open but only saw red.

"I.. m...sorry" I managed to speak faintly out. Tears began to run down my face as I realized what was happening.

I'm dying.

"C-Chris....." my eyes rolled around until I caught a glimpse of my once lover standing near me just staring down at me. Blood ran down his chin and something about his eyes looked different. I saw.....

"" I whispered before everything turned black.

This was it...

R*A*T*S (Sequel To A*M*E*R*I*C*A)Where stories live. Discover now