Chapter 21

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Hyde's POV:

"Kaz, is everything almost ready for tonight?"

My vampire companion simply nodded as I stood by the window to my study and admired the night sky. It felt as if it had been night for an eternity. A smirk grew upon my lips as the moon turned a deep red color and I knew it was almost time.

"Hyde, you know what tonight is. Is this why you're waiting for dawn? You're risking being exposed to the sun for..."

I quickly turned to Kaz and had him by the neck before he could react. He didn't struggle but instead just stared back into my eyes. I tightened my grip for a while before I finally let go and turned away in frustration. I went back to the window slamming both of my hands against it, the glass cracking a bit from the force.

"I told you not to bring that up anymore. She was like any other human, heartless, selfish, ZURUI!"

I grabbed a vase I had sitting by the window full of dead roses and threw it behind me just barely missing Kaz, shattering everywhere. I leaned against the window watching the night sky as I caught my breath, feeling my fangs poking harshly against my lips. It has been centuries since the incident happened.  I fell in love with a woman when I was still mortal, and we lived an amazing life. I could almost still see her dancing in our garden house while I played the piano and admired her beauty. Her bright smile could light any dark day.

But one day she fell ill and passed away in my arms. After her burial I refused to leave her side and accepted death so I could be with her in the afterlife. But the devil had a different plan for me and after I passed away I was turned into a vampire and given immortality. If I could find my lost love in another life I would be given back my mortality and be able to live the life we both lost. But she had no memory of me, and married another man. Even after I sacrificed myself to her. So I am forever living alone, feeling betrayed and heartbroken. After making a deal with Rob and Sheri and seeing how much power I could gain, I decided to finally get my revenge by making every mortal live a life of misery, like I had to for centuries.

Thinking back to this I let out a loud growl and slammed my fist into the glass window cracking it but didn't break it. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder but didn't push away knowing it was just Kaz. He rubbed my back trying to get me to calm down and it eventually worked. I let out a loud sigh as I bowed my head, looking down at my hands which were now seeping with blood. It was quiet for a few moments before we heard a door open and close in the distance. I could tell it was Ruki and Uruha.


"Hai?" Kaz spoke for me.

"The prisoners have escaped, and one of our own have betrayed us."

Immediately my eyes widened and I slowly turned to face the two vampires who just stood there almost scared looking.

"Daredeshita ka?"

The two looked at each other and Uruha answered.

"Reita.." he said.

My eyes wandered between the two as I furrowed my brows trying to comprehend what they had just told me.


My eyes landed on Kaz and my vision went red. He didnt move as I let out a scream, the other two stepping away from us. I was shaking, trying to catch my breath as my vision regained color and I looked up to see I was nearly elbow deep into Kaz's chest. Kaz just stood there with no expression on his face as he looked down at me. A small growl escaped from my throat as I yanked my arm out of his chest and I turned away from the three.

"Reita has betrayed us, find him and the others. I want every single person who is still alive in front of me. Including my own." I muttered the last part.

Ruki and Uruha both bowed their heads at me before exiting the room, leaving Kaz and I alone. Kaz turned his attention towards me as I sat back on the loves seat near the window. I rubbed the sides of my head as a million thoughts ran through my mind.


"Hai?" I groaned.

It was quiet for a few moments before I heard footsteps approaching me. I felt Kaz standing over me but I didn't look up at him. He put his hand on my shoulder and I had no choice but to look up at him. His eyes were glowing purple and that's when I realized my eyes were glowing as well. I furrowed my brows as I looked into his eyes but he stayed silent.

Kaz has been with me for years, and in all of the years I've known him he has never left my side. Even after my betrayal, he was there for the years I kept myself isolated. I could even consider him my closest and only friend.

I furrowed my brows and quickly got up on my feet pushing him away, his eyes stopped glowing.

"Baka...we've got work to do. So quit playing games with me." With that I pushed past him and made my way to the main circus grounds. I heard Kaz follow close behind.

No matter what it takes, no matter who gets in my way,, no matter who has to die, I will be successful.
Didn't expect a POV from Hyde and Kaz did ya! Haha! Hope you all enjoyed it! What do you think will happen next?

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