7. Letters •

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Adressed: 1914 - September

Dear John,

Soon it'll be two months since you left home, this is the third letter i've sent and I still haven't heard of you. No one else has heard anything either, so i'm guessing that it takes a while for our letters to reach each other. I know two months isn't that long, but it is the longest i've ever gone without seeing you. More men are joining you now, almost everyone is gone or leaving. I was heartbroken when father told me he was leaving, now all of my boys are away. I know you don't want to hear of him, but i was also upset to see Billy leave. He promised he would keep me updated if he ever sees you, and give me reports of your well being. Don't be too hard on him, he means well.

Polly and Ada are doing fine, the three of us are managing the betting shop. The numbers were quite confusing in the beginning, I got really angry and swore at you for being so good at it, but now i've got the hang of it. If you don't get back soon I reckon i'll come for your job!

All of us have our moments though, when we can't help but worry. Im glad I have your sister, without her I couldn't do this, she is so strong. Make sure you'll write to her, she misses you like crazy. Finn is getting big, he's made friends with a pretty little girl his age. He sure has that Shelby charm, she is absolutely smitten. He asks about his brothers all the time.

Be safe.

Love, Vin

PS: Also make sure you hug the boys from me when you see them, i'll get to work and write Arthur a letter after I send this one.


Late September 1914


"Did you hear about Hettie Summers Vin?" Ada said as soon as she stepped inside the betting shop. Vin were sitting in John's old office, face down in a book and eyes scrunched as she tried understanding the numbers. She had lied a little bit in her last letter to John. The truth was she was really horrible at maths, numbers just confused her. She was better at reading but didn't really shine in any school subjects.

"What about her?" She looked up interested. Hettie had laid back a bit with the insults since Vin had started seeing John, she guessed it had something to do with Billy, since he had stopped flirting with her as well, and Hettie had always been interested in the boy. Unfortunately for Hettie, Billy did not have the same feelings for her, in fact Vin knew that Billy absolutely despised the girl.

"Apparently she got herself knocked up by some bloke before he left for France!" Ada told her, eyes wide. Vin was surprised, she wondered with whom. Polly turned up beside Ada at the door, she had a cigarette in hand and didn't look surprised at all at the news.

"It was just a matter of time honestly" She sneered and the girls giggled at her bluntness. Polly didn't like the Summers girl either. How could she after all the things she had heard from Ada and Vin.

"I hope for the baby's sake that it's not true, imagine being raised by the actual devil" Vin laughed. "Could you have a look at this Pol? I'm going to throw it in the fire soon enough, believe me!" She gestured to the book and Polly nodded, she took it in her hands and went to her own office.

"Fancy going to the pub after this?" Ada asked, she wanted to drag her friend out of the house. Vin hadn't been out much since the boys left and Ada was worried.

"Yeah, maybe..."

"Post for Elizabeth Gray, Ada Shelby and... Winifred Lynn! A loud voice interrupted Vin from the door. Vin and Ada's eyes met for a second before both of them hurried out of their seats and ran towards the boy holding the post.

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