12. A nice breakfast •

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Addressed: 1916 - January


I think it's best if we end this. I don't really feel like myself anymore, and I don't believe I ever will again. Too much has happened since I saw you last and I don't think you would like me much now either. This is better for the both of us.

I'm sorry I haven't responded to your letters. And I'm even more sorry about your father, I should have written earlier, but I didn't know what to say. I hope you're doing okay, I know you're in good hands at least.

I hope you're well.

John Shelby


July 1917



That was the first thought that ran through Winifred's head when she woke up. She was in so much pain. How much had she drunk the night before? Her head felt like it weighed a ton, a throbbing ache pulsing her temples. She groaned loudly, feeling very sorry for herself as she felt her ears ring at the sound of her own voice.

Suddenly an arm snaked around her waist, pulling her against a warm chest and she felt herself relax a little. Vin turned around and nuzzled her head into the chest as she took a deep breath, inhaling the scent. The arms pulled her even closer and she felt a kiss on the top of her head. Vin could almost feel how her body relaxed, making the hangover a little more tolerable even if she still felt like crap. She looked up and met the eyes of the man she shared her bed with, a smile was tugging at her lips and she felt her heart give a soft flutter as he smiled back down at her. She was safe, she was happy.

"Good morning Parkinson" she greeted as she started to untangle herself from him and sat up on the bed. She started to scramble out of bed and reached for her nightgown that had been thrown on the floor the night before, something she often did when she was really drunk. Apparently the fabric was really uncomfortable and way too hot after one too many whiskeys.

Billy rolled his eyes at the use of his last name, but smirked back at her as he answered. "Good morning Lynn, what are you doing up and about already?" He reached for her arm and steered her back to bed, wanting to lay with her a little while longer before starting their day. But Vin had other plans and just chuckled, giving him a quick peck on the mouth before getting back up once again.

"I need to eat something because my body hates me. I'll run downstairs to get some tea and breakfast, you can come or stay here, do what you like" Vin figured her mother would already be up, and secretly hoped he wouldn't stay for breakfast today. She really couldn't deal with the awkwardness between Billy and her mother. Vin cast a last glance at him and winked with her signature glint in her eye before she went out of her bedroom and started down the stairs. 

Mary Lynn was sitting at the kitchen table, holding her granddaughter Edith who was now 3 years old. Elsie was by the stove preparing tea and humming a little melody. Vin noticed she looked a little pale, and thought to herself that it must be hard raising a daughter on her own. They all looked up when they heard Vin coming down the stairs, the mothers have each other a knowing look, instantly seeing that she was hung over, and Edith made a sound of delight which made Vin cringe in pain from her headache. 

"Aunt Vinnie!" Edith called in a cute little voice. Vin went around the table to her mother and Edith and scooped the child up in her arms.

"G'morning Dot, you seem to be in a good mood" She greeted and Edith smiled at her aunts nickname for her and started explaining all the reasons why she was happy, half of it was lost in the excitement and impossible to understand with her little baby voice. Vin was able to make out some of the words that came from the three-year old and made the conclusion that they had gotten a letter from Jamie that morning. Elsie, Mary and Vin had made a big point out of making sure Edith felt connected to her father even though she couldn't remember him. It had worked very good and Edith always spoke about her father as if he was just at work and would be returning in a few hours, she always got really excited when they heard from him.

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