18. Dreams •

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Jamie was running. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears. He was quickly following a younger blinder who had come knocking furiously at his door just moments before. Jamie had answered the door prepared to shoot whoever was behind it for waking up his daughter when they had finally been able to put her to sleep. But when the young lad explained with big eyes what had happened, Jamie had quickly gone in to the house and told Elsie to go to the Shelby's and tell them to come to the cinema right away.

When they finally reached the cinema, Jamie was met by the sight of a small crowd in front of it. The blinder who had fetched him ran up to the crowd and told them to move out of the way. The people parted immediately, forming a path to the two figures laying on the ground. His heart stopped when he saw Winifreds lifeless body, ice running through him. He ran forward and pushed the poor women who was tending to his little sister away. Jamie took Winifred in his arms, breath ragged and eyes wide as he looked at her face. Her eyes was closed, mouth a little parted and he could see the beginning of a bruise on her cheek, some swelling already beginning.

"Vin..." He started, but his voice stuck in his throat as he feared the worst.

"She's only fainted!" The woman that Jamie had pushed away from his sisters body spoke up. He whipped his head in the direction of the young woman, his wide eyes asking for an explanation. "There was a man, he started to fight with that bloke..." The woman made a gesture with her hand towards the other person on the ground. Jamie realized that it was Billy, he hadn't even registered his presence until now. Billy was awake, sitting on the ground in a slouched position with his head tilted back to stop his nose from bleeding while letting another woman hold a cloth to his head.

"...Your sister tried to stop it and received an elbow to the face. It was quite a blow, she fell over and her head hit the ground. I suspect she might have gotten a concussion" the woman continued to explain.

Jamie nodded, feeling himself relax a little now that he knew Winifred would be okay. He looked at the woman again. "Are you a nurse?"

"I was, in the war"

He nodded again. "Can you make sure she's alright for a moment? There will be people here to bring her home any second now" The woman just nodded and reached for Winifred. Jamie handed her over carefully, making sure to support her head. He then stood up and turned to Billy. He could feel anger running through his body as he looked at the pitiful man. Can't even keep my fucking sister safe Jamie thought to himself. He crouched down to Billy's level and met his eyes with a deadly glare.

"Who did this?" He asked, his eyes burning holes in to Billy's.

"I don't know his name" Billy answered with a low and sad voice, his gaze lowering to the ground not being able to stand the anger in Jamie's eyes any longer.

Jamie looked like he was going to scream. He took a deep breath in preparation, but before any noice came out he could see the three oldest Shelby brothers come running towards them. Jamie stood up quickly and went to meet the brothers a few meters away from Winifred, knowing that he would have to explain the situation before letting John see the state his little sister was in.

"John, Winifred is passed out but she will be alright!" Jamie began as they where in hearing distance, holding his palms up in a calming gesture.

John's eyes immediately went to the people behind him, trying to find her in the crowd, his whole body tense. Once he got his eyes on Winifred, he pushed past Jamie and hurried to her side. He crouched down at put a hand on the side of her neck, taking her in, silently scanning her face and her body for injuries. When he realized there was no damage expect for her bruised cheek, he carefully scooped her up in his arms, standing up and walking back to Jamie and his brothers.

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