28. Celebration •

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Winifred felt conflicted. Her emotions were all over the place and she felt stressed because she knew she couldn't ever be completely happy with the decisions she had to make.

On one hand she was so incredibly happy for her best friend, who would finally get everything she wanted and deserved. Ada was getting married to a man who she loved and who loved her equally as much, she had a baby on the way and was going to start her new family. And Vin knew better than anyone else in the entire world how hard it had been for Ada to move on from her first love, Vin's own brother Jamie. Vin was the one who held her while she cried in secret, she had dragged her home from the pub in the early hours of the morning and made sure she ate and took care of herself when Ada was at her very worst. It made her tear up from joy just to think about how Ada was finally getting the things that were ripped away from her when she was younger.

But oh how she wished they had left. Tommy wouldn't accept this, and Vin had a feeling hell was about to break loose now that they were involved with Billy Kimber as well. The stress wouldn't be good for Ada and her baby, nor would the anger that her brothers would inflict on her when they all found out who she was marrying.

She had another small pebble in her stomach, and every time she locked eyes with kind ones belonging to her older brother it felt as if it grew a little. Jamie didn't even know that Ada was dating Freddie, let alone that she was just hours away from getting married and would have a baby in just a few months. However happy she may be for Ada, she couldn't help but to feel sorry for Jamie. She knew that he had never wanted to break her best friends heart, and that he broke his own by doing so. She saw the way Jamie still looked at Ada, there was longing there that would probably never disappear and he might even have had some hope for the two of them to find each other again in a few years. Now the roles were reversed and Ada was the one moving on from him while he had to watch her become a happy family. She felt like she betrayed him by not telling him about what was going to happen, but still she felt like she couldn't really do the situation justice. Jamie wouldn't want to hear it from her, he would want to hear it from Ada.

Vin stood up quickly. The chair by the table she had been sitting by in the kitchen scraped against the floor, making a horrible sound as a result and she cringed a little. Three sets of faces looked up at her in question.

"I have to run over to Ada quickly" She told her mother who was concentrating very hard to get all of Edith's strands of hair in to a single braid.

"What else is new?" Jamie snorted sarcastically and Vin bit back a reply.

"Ill be back for Dot soon" She continued before she went to grab her coat. Her mother waved in a dismissal way, still too focused on the braid to bother a real response to the weird outburst her daughter displayed.

"Bye bye Vinnie!" Said Edith and Vin saw how her mother cursed a little under her breath when the four year old turned her head to say goodbye which apparently messed up all of her hard work. Vin blew a kiss as a reply to Edith before she closed the door behind her and walked with quick steps in the direction she knew Ada would be in.

She knew what she had to do.


It took even more effort than Vin had anticipated to convince Ada to tell Jamie about the wedding. Ada's solution to Jamie had always been to avoid him like the plague and to be fair it had worked amazingly well for her, but it meant that she wasn't to exited to go find him willingly and tell him she was pregnant and getting married to one of his former friends. Ada had tried to argue that Jamie would tell John and Vin had no doubt in her mind that he would do exactly that but just like she answered Ada, John was going to know by tomorrow anyway. That would probably be a real nice fight to look forward to, but she would cross that bridge when she got there. There was already way too much going on, if Vin had to juggle everything at the same time she would probably go insane. What had convinced Ada was that Vin reminded her of how Jamie had been the one to tell her about Ester and the pregnancy, and it was only fair she returned that favour. While she shooed Ada away in the direction of her brother, she went back to her house to collect Dot and to get a head start for what she had planned tonight.

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