19. Are we okay? •

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Conversation between Winifred and Jamie after the incident.


Winifred was in bed reading a book with a cup of tea on the side of her bed, she had been forbidden to go out until her mother was sure she was alright. A careful knock on her bedroom door interrupted her and a second later the door opened, a little girl running towards her.

"Vinnie!" Edith squealed happily as she jumped up on the bed, embracing her in the tightest hug a five year old could muster. Despite Vin's initial surprise, she managed to hug the little girl back quickly.

"Dot! What are you doing here so early hey?"

"Be careful Dot, aunt Vin is a bit sore today" Her brothers voice spoke up from the doorway where he stood watching them with a smile.

Jamie loved seeing his daughter get along so well with his little sister, he was truly thankful that she had been there the years he had been gone at war. Especially after the death of his late wife. Polly had told him that Vin had been telling Edith all sorts of stories about their childhood and the weird things he and John had got up to when they were kids. This had helped Edith getting to know her father even if she didn't have her own memories with him, and that was probably a big reason to why it had been so easy for Edith to be comfortable with Jamie in the short period he had been back.

As he watched them speak to each other with smiles on their faces an excitement in their voices, he took the time to look his sister over. She had gotten a nasty bruise on her cheek, where the elbow had hit her, and she had purple bags under her eyes form exhaustion. Jamie felt his own smile disappear at the sight of the state his sister was in, and memories from the night before came rushing back.

"Edith, I have to talk to Vin about some grownup things for a little bit, go downstairs to grandma" Edith nodded and gave her aunt a hug goodbye before she sprinted out the door and they heard her steps in the stairs.

Vin watched as her brother took his peaky hat off his head and went to sit down on the chair beside her bed. She could tell he had a lot to say, and that he wasn't all that happy about it so she braced herself for the worst.

"You know, you really shouldn't have a fucking razor hat on your head when you're with your five year old daughter" Vin started in a jokingly scolding tone and saw the corner of her brothers lips turn upwards a little.

"How are ya feeling frogface? You look fucking horrible!" He joked back at her, but Vin could hear the worry through the joke.

"Still looking better than you ever will!" She continued teasing before getting more serious. "No, but i'm fine Jamie, I promise! My heads hurting a bit but that's it" This was actually far from the truth, which was that Vin felt horrible. She couldn't stand without feeling dizzy, and she had been able to read about 3 pages all morning because her head was spinning so much when focusing on the small letters.

There was a small silence, both of them knowing she was lying.

"I hope you took his fucking eyes, cause that's what I threatened with!" Vin continued in a bothered tone.

"He's on a boat on his way to London" Jamie answered with a darkness in his eyes that she had never seen before. It wasn't anger, Jamie wasn't riled up or anything. He looked calm, but frightening.

"What does that mean?" Vin asked. Her eyes were big and curious but at the same time she felt a little afraid to hear the answer.

"It means he'll never walk these streets again" Her brother continued, this time with a finality that signaled the end of the conversation. Usually she would have fought harder for answers, but with her head pounding she didn't feel like exhausting herself even more.

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