5. The Wedding Part 2 •

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So since this is part 2 of the wedding, we are still in year 1913 :)


After the Wedding.

As soon as Vin got the chance to get away from her wedding duties, which was when everyone started to make their way to the garrison, she went to find Ada.

She headed straight to their secret spot under a bridge, they always went there when they needed to get away, and today was no exception. She found Ada sitting on a barrel, a whiskey bottle in her hand. Vin hurried to her best friends aid, when she got a good look of Ada, her heart broke a little bit. Ada's face was red and puffy from all the crying she'd been doing, she was already really drunk and it looked as she was hyperventilating, her heartbeat fast and eyes narrowed and stressed.

"Oh Ada" Vin hushed as she wrapped her best friend up in a warm hug. Ada let go of everything once she felt that she was safe and sound in her friends embrace. She let out a heartbreaking cry in which you could hear the heart wrenching pain she was in.

"It just hurts.. so fucking much Vin" She said in between sobs. "What should I do? Should I run away? How am I going to get through this?" Ada was desperate for answers. She had been in love with Jamie for as long as she could remember. He had always been there, somewhere near her, with his bright smile and his beautiful blue eyes. She loved every part of him, even the parts Vin couldn't stand. Like how overprotective he was, or how he always seemed to hum or whistle on some broken tune. She loved how he teased her and always flicked away the glow on her cigarette so she had to light it again. Ada thought back to just a few months ago, she and Jamie had started seeing each other and they had snuck away to a pub in the outskirts of town to get some privacy and to not be caught by her brothers. They were drinking and laughing and spinning and dancing all over the place the whole night. Afterwards they were both almost dripping in sweat, but they just laughed all the way home, stopping to kiss each other every other second. She was truly happy then, happier than ever before, and she was never going to experience that again. Never again would she feel his lips against hers or the touch of his hands on her. Instead she would have to watch him fall in love with another woman, a woman who was already bearing his child. She could physically feel her heart break in her chest.

"I'll tell you what to do Ada Shelby" Vin's voice interrupted her thoughts. "You are gonna go with me to Jamies reception and we are gonna get fucking hammered right, we are going to dance with stupid boys, and have as much fun as you can handle. Whenever you feel sad, or about to cry just tap on me shoulder and we'll go outside. Because you have all the right in the world to feel like shit Ada, and I can't do anything to take the pain away, but I'll ALWAYS be here for you" she continued, placing her hands on Adas shoulders as she looked Ada deep into her eyes.

"Drinks on me I guess"A voice spoke up from around the corner. Ada and Vin jumped, they knew that voice. It was Polly Gray.

"Aunt Polly...?" was all that Ada could get out. She was speechless. It was obvious Polly had heard the whole thing and there was no chance to explain it away.

"Don't worry dear, I've always known you had feelings for Jamie. Mary have as well. We were hoping things hadn't gone this far between you two, you are good at keeping your stuff to your self Ada. Much better than your brothers."

Vin and Ada were once again speechless, surprised that Polly and Vin's mother knew about Ada's feelings for Jamie. Vin grew worried. How much did they know? Did they know about her John too? But she also felt a sense of relief, knowing that Polly would also look after Ada tonight and all the following nights until she felt better. Ada needed all the support she could get right now.

"Right! Well then yes! Drinks on you Polly!" Vin smiled brightly.


Ada and Vin were drunk to say the least. They were dancing arm in arm as best they could in the Garrison. Polly was sitting in a booth close by with Mary and Frederick, watching over the girls as they stumbled through the bar. Polly had explained what had happened after the wedding ceremony to Mary, they, just like Ada and Vin - always told each other everything. They had been friends since they were children and Mary was one of very few people that Polly confided in. Mary was of course saddened by Ada's heartbreak, especially since she had hoped for the couple to someday have their own family, but she was also proud that her son had done the right thing.

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