17. Forgivness •

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The Garrison was closing, only one last sleeping man left at a table, seemingly dead to the world. Vin had told Harry to go home to his wife and promised that she could handle getting the last lingering men out of the bar. Since the little breakdown she had after serving John the whiskey's, everything had been running smoothly. The bar had gotten in a lot of customers that evening and because of the amount of work to do Vin thought that the hours had flown by. She hadn't seen any of the Shelby brothers leaving yet, only Jamie had waved goodbye as he headed home to little Edith, so she knew that John must still be in the booth. Vin hoped they would leave soon so she could finish up and get home.

"Sir, it's time for you to go home now I'm afraid" she tried to wake the man who was flat out drunk. She barely received a grunt in reply, and proceeded to poke the large man in his shoulder to try to get a reaction. Still nothing. She sighed and pulled the glass from out of his hand instead, this time getting a reaction.

"hmm.. Go away you runt!" The man grunted and lifted his hand to wave her away, Vin just managed to dodge his hand, and felt her cheeks flush in sudden anger. She really didn't feel like dealing with anymore drunk men tonight. She took a deep breath and tried to keep her emotions in check.

"Sir, we're closed, you have to leave"

The man looked up at her with glassy eyes, a frown forming on his face. Most men didn't like being told what to do in this day and age, especially not by a woman and a barmaid at that. Vin didn't recognise this man, and it was clear he didn't recognise her, which she knew wasn't a good sign. It meant that he didn't know who she was or the protection she was under. Vin wasn't afraid though, nothing was going to happen to her with Tommy Shelby himself in the bar.

"No fucking woman will tell me what to do!" The man hiccuped and blinked dumbly. Vin was just about to open her mouth and defend herself when she felt a presence behind her. 

"That's enough mr Smith" Tommy's almost bored voice said in a final matter. Vin watched as the man, who she now knew as Mr Smith, looked from Vin to Tommy, his eyes getting bigger and bigger. "This lady here is Winifred Lynn, mr Smith, our very own Jamie's little sister"

Mr Smith's eyes looked as they was about to fall out of his head. It was clear he knew her brother and therefore her, and he now realised the mistake he had made. He seemed to sober up a little bit as he stood up and  and grabbed his coat. He looked down at the floor as he spoke.

"I apologise miss Lynn, I didn't realise it was you - I'll leave right away!" Mr Smith hurried away after his apology and Tommy turned to Vin.

"Why are you closing up? Where is Harry?" He asked with a look on his face that almost seemed like concern, more emotion written on his face than she'd seen since they got back.

"I sent him home, I can close up just fine without him" she replied, trying to convince him that it was really no problem. Tommy didn't seem happy with this answer though.

"I'm going to speak with Harry to make sure you're not closing up any more, Jamie wouldn't want you to handle these drunk men every night"  He said in a final matter.

"As I said Tommy, I can manage just fine. I don't want to keep Harry away from his family more than he has to" Vin once again defended her decision. She didn't want to burden Harry, she was meant to be there to help him - not to take his pub and give it to the Peaky Blinders. She really didn't want her brother or the Shelby's to set any rules for the pub-owner.

Tommy stayed quiet for a bit while he was thinking about her words. Vin really appreciated that Tommy didn't think he could boss her around like he did Ada. She wasn't his sister, nor was she a peaky blinder - that she was under their protection wasn't her choice it was theirs, so Tommy really couldn't tell her what to do.

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