2. Stupid little girl •

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Winifred opened her eyes. It took a few moments for her to remember what day it was but when it dawned on her she immediately jumped out of bed. Today was Winifreds 14th birthday. She was a year older, a year wiser. Not a stupid little girl anymore.

Winifred absolutely loved her birthdays, she always had. Not because of the present which were very few any way, but for the attention. Winifred who had grown up with very little except for her family who were the most important people in her life, was very accustomed to be left alone except when she did something wrong. But on her birthday her family and friends made sure that she felt special, felt wanted. The family had breakfast together, which was very uncommon, they eat dinner with the Shelbys and then some way or the other they always ended up at the Garrison.

Winifred sat in her room, getting ready for school, she hated the uniform, but was still satisfied with how she had managed to make herself look today. She took a last look in the mirror and headed for the stairs.

When she walked down the stairs her father and brother started clapping and whistling at the fourteen-year old. Her mother, Mary, came forward and embraced her in a warm hug.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart, I can't believe you are already fourteen, and so beautiful as well! You're not giving your brother an easy job thats for sure" Her mother smiled happily. Winifred could see the emotion in her mothers eyes and felt her self tear up as she smiled widely at her family. "Thank you mum, I love you" she whispered back.

"Come ere then kiddo, let me look at ya!" Frederick, Winifred and Jamies father said with a big smile on his face and the glint of mischief in his eyes that Winifred had inherited. Winifred walked up to her father and took his hand as she spun around.

"There she is, the most beautiful girl in the world. Fourteen, are you sure? Don't you just want to stay thirteen then aye?" He continued. Winifred laughed happily and shook her head. She definitely did not want to stay a thirteen-year old. If she had a choice she would skip to 18 and get married to Billy Parkinson already. But all in due time, she thought. They of course need to have an epic love story, she can't just skip to the end. The family sat around the table and enjoyed a good breakfast for a while longer before it was time to head off to school. Jamie went with her even though he was probably going to skip.

"Happy Birthday Frog-Face" Jamie smirked. "Here's your present" He handed her a small pocket knife, like the one she had wanted for years. It was perfect, she could fit it in her boot but it could also do a lot of damage.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Jamie!" She squealed happily. Winifred had wanted a knife for ages, but Jamie said she was too young and she didn't need one. Now she finally had it, her own weapon, she was a fourteen now after all so of course she had to be able to fend for herself.

"Yeah yeah" Her brother smiled at her excitement. "But listen, if I or the Shelbys have anything to say about it, you will never have to use it, okey Vin? You are NOT allowed to show it off. It's only for emergencies. I don't even want you to have one, but as mum said, you are not giving me the easiest job here."

Winifred rolled her eyes immaturely and replied that she wasn't stupid, of course she wouldn't go 'round threatening people or anything. 

"I beg to differ" Jamie replied. "I don't know how you even find the time to get into so many fights as you do. But you're getting older Vin, people don't see you as kid anymore, which I know you think is a good thing but it is also dangerous. And bad men won't be scared of that little knife alright? Ada has a knife too, and if trouble ever finds you, I want you to just point it at them and tell them who you are, and tell them that you big brother will kill anyone who lays a hair on ya!" Winifred could see Jamie getting worked up just thinking about it, so she just smiled happily and gave her brother a tight hug. They rarely had moments like these. They didn't really have to, because by now they had been so many instances where her brother had come to her rescue so it was understood that Jamie would always have her back. But she still treasured the moment.

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