4. The Wedding Part 1 •

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Winifred knocked on the door of her brothers new home. It was a surprisingly nice day and for once the mud hadn't stuck to her shoes. A few seconds went by before the door opened, revealing John Shelby. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him. He was looking dashing in a black three piece suit with a white flower in the breast pocket, he had toothpick in the corner of his mouth and on his head, his black peaky hat which sat a bit crooked. When he laid his eyes on Winifred, his signature crooked grin made its way on to his face.

"You look beautiful Vinnie, as always" John said still smirking as he looked her up and down while letting her inside. Winifred felt her cheeks heat up but refused to look embarrassed in front of John, so she collected herself quickly.

"If you're impressed now, just you wait until I get ready" She said with a smile. Since John had broken up with Martha a few months ago, Winifred had often got the feeling that he was flirting with her. She assumed it was innocent and therefore didn't take it too seriously and flirted back.

"Oh i don't doubt it for a second, I'm sure you'll leave me in awe as per usual" John continued flirtatiously before getting interrupted by Jamie Lynn.

"John! I swear, shut the fuck up, my ears are bleeding! Stop flirting with my sister you twat!" John's smile just grew bigger.

"I believe someone is a bit nervous" John teased his friend. Winifred shook her head at the boys behavior.

"Ah there he is! The groom! The one I'm actually here to see" Winifred spoke with a grin and went to give her big brother a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry brother, when it's John's turn to get hitched he'll probably shit himself on the altar" She continued teasing John.

"Ouch, you hurt my feelings Vin, here I was thinking you had come to see me" John joked, clutching his hands over his heart.

"Yeah yeah"Winifred said. "But John, could you give my brother and I a moment alone? Ill be out of you hair in no time, I promise" John nodded his head and disappeared into the kitchen, closing the door behind him.

"Come to wish me good luck aye frog-face?" Jamie smiled down at his sister.

"Yeah, among other things" Winifred began. "Jamie, I'm very proud of you... for doing the right thing I mean. You are going to be an amazing father just like you have always been an amazing brother." Jamie leaned down and gave his sister a warm hug, he really appreciated her kind words, especially now when he was so nervous.

"I have to ask one thing of you though" Winifred continued and her look changed a little bit, from kind to serious. "After today you will be a married man. You'll be married to a beautiful woman and the two of you are going to have a beautiful babygirl. This is the start of your future, and I'm here to ask of you to let your past go. I know this isn't who you really wanted to be with but now you must accept that this is your life, and sadly you can't have everything. Jamie, let Ada go. She is my rock in this world and I can't stand seeing her like this. She will get over it, get over what you did to her, but only if you let her go, and let her fall in love with someone else and start over" She watched as her brother's eyes went sad, and then filled with guilt.

A few months ago, about the same time that John and Martha broke up, Jamie had confessed his true feelings for Ada, and told her he loved her. That night they had made love, Jamie taking Ada's virginity. They had agreed to keep it quiet for a little while longer, just until they figured out what to say to Ada's brothers, who were also Jamies best friends. The only one besides the pair, who knew about it was Winifred, who was of course ecstatic. But then just a few weeks later, Elsie Samuels came knocking on the Lynn family's door. She and Jamie were going to have a baby, Elsie already being 20 weeks pregnant. It of course broke Adas heart, and it broke Jamies heart to break her heart. But Jamie knew he had to marry Elsie, and give their daughter the best home he could. Fast-forward til today, the day of the wedding. Ada was still a mess, today being even harder since she had to come to the wedding and pretend she wasn't dying inside, still only three people knew of their love. The wedding was in two hours and Ada was at Winifred's crying her eyes out and drinking whiskey.

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