25. You and me, against the world •

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Vin was exhausted the next day. She and John had gotten through three of the letters she had sent him when they weren't speaking. It had been extremely emotional for the both of them, and together they had cried and explained what each of them had felt at the time it was written or delivered. They hadn't gotten back home until the early hours of the morning. It might not have been a very romantic date, but it was something they had needed to do. They were going to read the remaining 3 when they found the time, agreeing that it was necessary to work through them before taking things further with their relationship. Or she agreed, and John just about did anything to get her to come back to him completely.

Still her internal clock didn't seem to care about how tired she was. She had woken up her usual time and was unable to go back to sleep. So she started her day like she normally would. She had breakfast with her mother and Edith before going to the Shelby's to see Ada. When she entered their house she found Polly sitting alone by the kitchen table, the soft shuffling behind the closed doors to the shop were in full force so she understood that the boys had already started working.

"There you are" Polly greeted curtly, lips sealed tight. It was an unusually serious greeting even for Polly and Vin felt a bit frightened right away, worried that something had happened.

"Here I am?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You better get up to her room, she needs you right now" Polly continued with a nod in the direction of Ada's room. Vin stared at the older woman for a few seconds, before turning around abruptly, running up the stairs and bolting in to Ada's room.

She found Ada in her bed, staring into the wall with her back against the door, she didn't even jump when Vin slammed the door shut. "Ada?" Vin spoke softly with a comforting voice. "What's going on?" Ada still didn't move and Vin sat down on the bed next to her friend. She put a hand on Ada's shoulder. "Hey, tell me what's wrong." She said in a demanding voice. Still nothing. Vin realised, without knowing what the issue actually was, the gravity of the situation. So instead of continuing to press the girl, she did what a friend, or rather as sister, would do. She crept down next to Ada in her bed, got under the blankets and hugged Ada from behind so that she was spooning her. Feeling secure in her best friends arms, Ada finally let go. She started shaking as the tears came, and she put her hand over Vinnie's, squeezing it tight. Vin felt her own tears starting to build up as she held her friend while she was breaking down. She imagined the different scenarios that would have had to take place for Ada to be this upset. Did Freddie leave her? Did Jamie do something stupid again? What on earth was going on? They hugged and held on to each other for several minutes, neither of them speaking a word, before Ada finally calmed down enough to tell her what was going on.

"I'm pregnant" She whispered. Her voice was hoarse from all the crying and she was speaking so quietly that Vin wasn't sure she had heard correctly.

"What?" Ada turned around so they were laying face to face, only a couple of centimetres separating them. They looked each other deeply in the eyes.

"I'm pregnant Vin. With Freddie's child" Ada read all of the emotions going through her best friends mind on Vin's face before the realisation hit. Vin sat up abruptly, still holding Ada's gaze.

"You have a baby in your stomach right now?" She confirmed unconvinced. Ada just nodded.

Suddenly a big, dashing smile broke through on Vin's face. She stood up, feeling extremely energised all of a sudden. "Ada that's amazing news! I'm so happy for you!" She hugged Ada once again, this time out of joy.

Ada couldn't help the smile that grew on her face at her friends words. Her face was red and wet from all the crying, and she felt how puffy and red her eyes were, still the little smile that escaped her lifted her mood instantly.

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