Chapter Eight | HelpXVienna

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Thoughts of the danger __ was in flooded my brain as I anxiously squirmed in the back seat of Ludwig's fancy car.

Francis sat in between Antonio and me, taking a guiding role as he usually did. He had Antonio curled into his side and a hand on my back as a comfort to me and probably to himself as well.

In the passenger seat next to Ludwig was a small bag of things he needed to keep with him in case a Queen's Knight dropped by while he was away. He didn't want to risk what we'd found getting out to anybody.

An official agreement to secrecy was made between the Croix Clan and the Berlin Clan, though anyone else being queued in was up to us specifically. We didn't need to consult the Berlin Clan on any new decisions.

"You really chose a bag to sit next to you over your own brother," I sulked.

"That's why you've been sulking back there?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"Nein! But you still chose a bag over me!"

"Because the bag doesn't shout and whine or try to take hold of the steering wheel," he retorted, and I huffed.

"That was one time, and you nearly drove us into a lake because of that stupid GPS," I argued, and he rolled his eyes.

"You took that GPS anyway and made me buy a new one; you didn't even pay me back," he continued to argue.

"Yeah, well, now nobody has that GPS; Toni threw it out the window!"

Toni didn't even blink at the mention of his destructive behavior. Francis shook his head at me, pleading for me not to shout at him about it.

"He...threw it out the window?"

"It annoyed him."


"Is there anything that doesn't annoy him right now?" He asked cautiously, looking to avoid disturbing the stressed Hispanic man in the back seat.

"Umm...I don't know...he doesn't get like this's been a couple of centuries at least since he's gotten this way...." I explained, and Francis shrugged, not having much more information.

"Well, last time 'e got angry 'e'd throw tomatoes at people in town."

"Was that all?"

"We couldn't tell what was tomato and what was blood...."

"Oh...never mind then...." He trailed off, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. I don't blame him.

We called it the tomato incident of 1620 and agreed not to talk about it ever since, except for now, I guess.

Antonio tried to disguise a slight chuckle, delighting in his often unseen sadism.

I scooted farther towards the car door away from Toni.

It seems the only part of himself Toni wasn't repressing was his little-seen sadism. I shuddered at the thoughts of his slightly sadistic acts. Each act lasted no more than a minute or two; it was never an entire mood that went on for more than a day.

Most of that sadism he took out on unfortunate souls when he ran away for a few years to be a pirate.

Out of everyone I know, Arthur has seen the absolute worst of it. They've clashed at sea before. They were the only two to get out of each encounter alive. I'm sure most of those ships and their treasures are somewhere at the bottom of the ocean because of them.

Francis could tell what I must be thinking based on my disturbed expressions as I leaned far away from them.

"Ludwig, could I please trade with the bag?"

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