Chapter 51: Love Is Pain

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****TRIGGER WARNING: this is all about very abusive relationships and im so sorry that i forgot this warning before im literally an idiot but if anyonw needs to talk about any issues you can always talk to me or reach out to someone you trust because this shit is not okay, love you little nuggets and i hope you enjoy******

Troye POV

I slowly opened my eyes, and as the blinding lights filled my blurred vision I felt my head pounding. I felt some shards of glass by my fingers and soon I realized I was lying on the floor. I felt too weak to stand, too weak to move. All I could do was lay there completely frozen, sprawled across the glass lying in the spilled champagne.

I turned my head to the side and I saw a black pair of TOMS in my line of vision, but they weren't the kind Tyler usually wore. Yet they looked so familiar. I couldn't remember where I knew them from, until I looked up and saw his green eyes staring down at me. That's when I realized how I recognized the shoes, they were Brad's.

"Hey, babe, you okay?" Brad said with a surprisingly comforting tone in his voice as he kneeled down beside me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said as I tried to push myself off of the floor, but my shaking arms couldn't support my body weight.

"Troye let me help you. You can't get up on your own." Brad said as he extended his hand to me and seeing that I didn't really have a choice I took it and let him help me up.

He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and used the other to hold my hand as he led us over to the couch. As his strong arm trapped me in his grasp I felt tense, but I knew if I tried to run I would regret it, so I let him lead me where he wanted me.

I sat down on the couch and moved as far away from Brad as I could, hoping that the distance I put between us would give him the hint to stay away from me.

"Sorry if I scared you before." He said in a sincere tone as he looked down at his lap, playing with his thumbs in a nervous way.

"You do know this is illegal." I said in a cold voice, but I didn't look him in the eye, I knew if I did he would be able to see how weak I really was.

"It's only illegal if you get caught." His kind demeanor switched in a split second, and now instead of the comforting tone his voice had just a second ago it was filled with a sadistic malice, and his dark eyes stared down at me like I was his prey.

"Stay the fuck away from me." I said as I grabbed a vase that was sitting on the table in front of me, and even though I knew it wouldn't do anything I still needed something to defend myself with.

"Make me." He said, a dark tone filling his words as he moved closer to me, grabbing my arm and pinning it over my head and using the other hand to pull the vase out of my grasp.

He threw the vase across the room and it shattered, the sound of the ceramic breaking filled the room and I closed my eyes tightly to shield myself from what was going to happen.

He rested his hand on my thigh and slowly moved closer to the inside of my leg, taking my earlobe in his ear as he breathed against my neck.

"Just imagine how happy we would be." He said softly as he continued moving his hand across my thigh, then slowly grazing his fingers over the zipper to my jeans.

I froze when his fingers started touching me in all the ways I never wanted to be touched by him, and I desperately wanted to push him off, but I couldn't find the strength to.

"You know you still want me." Brad said with a smirk, and that's when something inside of me snapped.

"No." I said forcefully as I grabbed his arm and twisted it, causing an ear piercing scream to leave his lips.

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