Chapter 9: Two Can Play At That Game

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Troye POV

I was really excited to get to spend some Tyler that didn't include talking about people dying. It seemed like all we had done the entire time I was here was fight and cry. I missed the old Tyler. He used to be so happy, so carefree, but now he was just empty. He barley laughed anymore, his smiles were always forced, and he seemed a lot more tired than usual. A fun night would be good for the both of us.

"Where are we going Tilly?" We had been driving for an hour by he still wouldn't tell me where we were going. I just wanted to know what we were doing, sitting in the car for this long was starting to get really boring.

"Can't tell you yet Troye boy."

"At least tell me what we're doing."

"Nooopppeeee." God he was so annoying sometimes.

"I hate you Tilly."

"You know you love me." He smirked when he said this. I mean I used to have a huge crush on him, but that was like 2 years ago. I was a kid and he was my idol, but now that were friends I don't really see us ever becoming more than that. Sure I loved Tyler, but as a friend. And besides, he was a huge flirt and would basically bang anything with a penis.

I decided to have some fun with him, "Not as much as you love me." I started to bite my lip in the most seductive way possible. I knew it drove him crazy when I did that.

He mumbled something but I couldn't hear what he said. After that he didn't say anything else. Did I say something wrong? One second we were playing around, flirting like usual and the next he just shut down. I don't get him, he's been acting really strange around me lately. Maybe he didn't really want to be friends anymore, it would explain a lot of his unusual behavior.

"Tiilllllyyyyyyyyy I'm sorry, don't be mad at me." I whined and gave him the biggest puppy dog face I could make. I always got my way when I made this face. Tyler may be a flirt, but two can play at that game.

"I'm not mad." He said with no emotions whatsoever.

"Then why won't you look at me. Come on Tilly, were supposed to be having a fun night. Let's play a game."

"Okay, what game do you want to play?" Finally he started to get over his little temper tantrum.

"Let's play fuck, marry, kill." As soon as he said this he got so excited.

"Let's do it, you go first."

"Sawyer Hartman, Oprah, and Miranda Sings."

"Fuck Sawyer, marry Miranda, kill Oprah."


"What? Does someone have an Oprah fetish?" He started to cackle after he said that, I was glad he was laughing again.

"Shut up Tyler. It's your turn."

"Alright, Connor Franta, Zoe Sugg, and me."

"Shit Tilly this one's hard, I love you all. But I would marry Zoe, Fuck you, and kill Connor."

"Let me know if you ever want to make that one a reality, I can make it happen." He said that with such confidence I had to mess with him just for the fun of it.

"Oh my gosh Ty you would seriously do that for me??? I mean, I know it would be kind of awkward with Alfie and everything, but I can't believe you would help set me up with Zoe. You're such a great friend, what would I ever do without you?" His mouth just dropped open when he heard me say that. I bet he thought he was going to get me all embarrassed, well he should know by now that I've gotten a lot better at this whole flirting thing since the last time we saw each other.

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